Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection Read online

Page 18

  “Oh god!” My knees buckle but Sawyer catches me, his hands grabbing the back of my thighs. He throws them over his shoulders, my back bracing against the wall as he devours me.

  Every fiery lick of his tongue and brush of his lips takes me higher, threatening to send me over the edge of destruction. When he adds a finger, there’s no prolonging it. A cry of pleasure shoves from my throat as my orgasm claims me. I drown in it, letting it swallow me heart and soul.

  He trails his lips along the inside of my thigh, his mouth continuing to love me as I fight to get my bearings. In a quick move, he removes my legs from his shoulders, wrapping them around his waist before pushing to his feet.

  My arms curl around his neck, our eyes seeking one another’s in the darkness. No words are needed in this moment, our silence and gazes say it all, our relationship is about to change forever. My back meets the cool mattress, his hard body covering mine.

  Skin to skin, heart to heart.

  Our mouths align in heated bliss, his desire matching my own. His hand caresses my flesh, cupping the heavy weight of my breast and teasing my puckered nipple. It has a new ache igniting between my legs again.

  My hips lift, connecting with his jean-clad erection. He pushes up on one arm and reaches between us to undo his belt. I move to help him, my hands urgent. Once we get his jeans unzipped and lowered, I take him into my hand, my fingers curling around his shaft.

  “Fuck!” He pushes forward, pumping his smooth cock into my grip. “I’m trying so hard not to rush this, but I’m not sure I can’t. I need you so fucking bad.”

  “Then take me,” I say, without hesitation. “I want you, Sawyer. I’m ready for this.”

  He rests his forehead on mine, his eyes penetrating. “I’m clean. I’ve always used a condom before but if you’re okay with it, I don’t want to use one with you. I want nothing between us when I take you.”

  “I’m more than okay with it.” I want to feel all of him too and I want a part of him that no one else has ever had.

  He hooks an arm under one of my knees, opening me further to align himself. His lips meet my forehead for one more act of tenderness before he drives deep inside of me with one quick thrust, stealing the air from my lungs.

  My lips part on a gasp, both in pain and ecstasy.

  “Aw, fuck!” he groans. “So tight.”

  My arms lock around his shoulders as I bury my face into his neck.

  He stills, his body tense. “Shit, you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  I pull back to look at him, hating the guilt in his eyes. “A little but it’s the most beautiful pain I’ve ever felt.” To reassure him, I wrap one leg around his back and lift my hips for more.

  He gives it to me, delivering slow, hard strokes.

  “Yes.” Moaning, I arch my back, my fingers digging into his powerful shoulders as he completes me like never before.

  “Goddamn, you’re perfect.”

  My eyes close as I drown in this man. Everything about him engulfs me—his scent, his taste, the way his hard body feels beneath my touch. It’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever felt.

  “Look at me, Grace.” His harsh demand has my eyes snapping back open. “Do you feel this, baby? Feel how perfect this is?” he asks, speaking my thoughts. “No one is ever going to take this from us, do you hear me? I will never let anyone take you from me. You—are—mine!” The possession in his words leaves no part of me unclaimed. “I want to hear you say it,” he demands, driving into me harder.

  “I’m yours,” I whisper, my breath racing.

  “That’s right, baby, every part of you belongs to me.”

  He has no idea what hearing those words do to me, how much they mean to me. After three long, painful years—I finally do belong to someone and it’s even better that someone is Sawyer. I don’t know for how long but it doesn’t matter. Because belonging to someone, even if only for a short time, means everything to someone who has no one.

  My hand lifts to his face, fingers tracing his full lips. “And you belong to me,” I tell him, my throat burning with emotion. My words probably don’t affect him the same way his do me, but I still want him to know, need him to know, how much I care about him.

  His fierce expression softens as he stills deep inside of me. “Yeah, baby, we belong to each other.”

  Before I can stop it, a lone tear trickles from the corner of my eye.

  Sawyer catches it with his lips, kissing it away. “Everything is going to be okay now, Grace, because as long as we have this, nothing and no one else matters.”

  Hooking a hand behind his neck, I bring his lips upon mine. The kiss turns from a slow burn to a heated frenzy. He renews his efforts, his hips pumping harder and faster. By the flex of his jaw I can tell he’s still holding back.

  My hand moves to his SEAL tattoo, directly over his thrumming heart. “I meant it when I said I want all of you,” I tell him quietly. “You don’t need to hold back anymore.”

  I don’t care what intensity he takes me at, as long as it’s all of him.

  Indecision battles in his fierce eyes before he succumbs to the ravenous hunger we both feel. “Grab on to the headboard.”

  I comply with the demand, grabbing onto one of the thin iron rods behind me. He places his hand just above mine then his other under my knee. My breath races in anticipation as his fierce eyes hold mine. Without warning, he unleashes, pounding inside of me without abandon.

  It’s raw, powerful, and indescribable.

  Screams of pleasure rip from my throat, my fingers gripping the pole harder to anchor myself.

  “Is this what you wanted, Grace?” he growls. “My cock fucking you until you’re screaming for mercy.”

  “Yes,” I moan, surprised that I can even manage the one word.

  My orgasm builds, but I try to hold it at bay, not wanting this to be over yet.

  Sawyer senses it. “I’m nowhere near done with you, Cupcake, so let it take you because there’s still much more to come.” He reaches a hand between our sweat-slicked bodies, his finger teasing my clit as his thrusts never falter.

  The orgasm crashes into me like a freight train, lights exploding behind my eyes. My screams of pleasure bounce off the walls, echoing through the room.

  “Fucking beautiful!” Those are the last words he speaks before succumbing to his own pleasure, his face burying into my neck. I hold him close, his thumping heart drumming against mine as we lie in a sweaty, tangled mess. It’s minutes later that he withdraws from my body, both of us groaning at the disconnection.

  I sit up with the intention to head to the bathroom but Sawyer stops me, his arm banding around my waist. “Don’t leave me.”

  My heart aches at the vulnerability in his voice. I turn on my side to face him and he pulls me in close, our lips only a breath away from one another as we gaze into each other’s eyes.

  “Are we okay?” he asks, bringing up tonight’s earlier events.

  “I don’t know, are we?”

  He continues to watch me, waiting for a better answer.

  “We were just talkin’, Sawyer.”

  “I don’t care. I didn’t fucking like it.”

  My eyes narrow, my forgotten anger coming back. “Well get over it. He was the only one who spoke to me, I was not going to turn away the only company I had.”

  “You had me.”

  “No I didn’t. Everyone else in that bar had you. I sat by myself for most of the night, Sawyer. Something you would have noticed if you hadn’t been so preoccupied with bicycle bitch.”

  “I did not pay her any attention.”

  “You might not have flirted back with her but you never pushed her away either, and to me that’s just as bad.” My throat begins to ache as I remember how awful it was to watch her hang off him. “You really hurt my feelin’s tonight,” I whisper, emotion thickening my voice.

  His hard expression softens, remorse reflecting in his green eyes. “I’m sorry, Cupcake, you’re right, I should have check
ed on you instead of assuming you would have joined us. This dating thing is new to me and I’m not used to worrying about anyone else but myself. Make no mistake though, Grace, I was caught up with friends, not that bitch. Not any girl for that matter. You’re the only one I care about.”

  “Is that what we are, Sawyer, dating?” I ask softly, wanting to finally label whatever this is.

  He brings his hand up, cupping the side of my face. “We’re more than that, baby, way fucking more.”

  Happiness blooms inside of me, my hurt feelings evaporating. Grabbing his wrist, I turn my face to the side, brushing my lips across his palm. “Good.”

  “Now that we have that out of the way.” With lightning speed, he flips me to my back and comes over top of me again. “Let’s make up.”

  “Didn’t we just do that?” I laugh.

  “Yeah, but that was for our earlier fight, now we have to make up for this one.” His head dips as he sucks one of my nipples into his mouth.

  I moan and decide if this is what’s goin’ to happen every time we fight, then we just may need to do it more often.


  “Sawyer, wake up! You’re never gonna believe this.” Grace’s excitement pulls me from the best sleep of my life.

  Groaning, I roll over and glance at the clock to see it’s only eight a.m. What the hell is she doing awake so early? I fucked her most of the night and she’s up already?

  Just the thought of how we spent the last several hours has my cock hardening again. I’m pretty sure I’ll never have enough of her. If I thought I was addicted to her before, that’s nothing compared to what I feel now.

  When the sound of the front door squeaks open, I climb out of bed, wondering what the hell she’s up to. I throw on my jeans from the night before but don’t bother with the button, because now that she woke my ass up, I plan to be back inside her.

  A blast of cold air hits me when I walk out of the room, the front door left wide open. Once I get a view of outside, I stop dead in my tracks at the sight before me.

  It’s cold and snowing like a motherfucker, but there’s my Cupcake, face tilted up to the foggy gray sky, her arms raised out at her sides, palms up, catching the heavy, fat flakes in the palms of her hands. She wears nothing but my shirt from the night before, and my sister’s winter boots that go up to her bare knees.

  Eventually she becomes aware of my presence and brings her eyes to mine, giving me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her. It’s like a blow to my chest, the force of it almost knocking me on my ass.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” she whispers, a look of wonderment splashed across her pretty face.

  “Yeah, it is.” My shoulder rests against the doorjamb as I watch her soak in something that’s so simple to me yet extraordinary for her. The white, sparkling flakes begin to coat her long, wavy hair and fall to her eyelashes, proving she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  Realization strikes deep—that the sad girl I met a few months ago has a smile now that radiates true happiness, one I’ve never gotten to experience until now. I decide this very moment I will spend the rest of my life making sure she smiles like this every day.

  She crosses her arms over herself with a shiver. “Holy shit it’s cold out here.” She laughs, jumping up and down.

  “Damn straight it is. Now get your pretty ass in here and get in the shower, we have plans.”

  Confusion pinches her face. “Where are we goin’?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  Another beautiful smile steals her lips. She runs into the house, launching herself at me, her cold body curling around mine. “You have a surprise for me, Sexy Sawyer?” she asks.

  “Yeah, it’s in my pants.” Her smile falters and she slaps at me playfully.

  “I’m kidding.”

  “What is it? Tell me,” she demands impatiently.

  “Soon,” I promise, heading to the shower. I plan to make this a day she never forgets.

  An hour later, I pull up to the rink for the second time since coming home. This place meant everything to me growing up and I want Grace to experience it in a different way than she did last night. In a way she will never experience again.

  “You have another hockey game?” she asks, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

  “Not exactly.” I leave her with the cryptic answer and climb out of the truck to grab my hockey bag out of the back.

  She walks around to meet me, curiosity bright in her gaze. “You’re torturing me here, Evans.”

  Chuckling, I take her hand in mine and lead her through the side door.

  Joe, the rink attendant, is waiting for us as we enter. “There’s our golden boy,” he greets, slapping me on the back.

  “Good to see you, Joe. Thanks for doing this.”

  “You bet, kid. This her?” he asks, shifting his attention to Grace.

  She smiles back at him, having no idea what’s going on.

  “It is. Grace, this is Joe Paletti, he’s been in charge of this place for as long as I’ve worn skates.”

  She extends her hand to him. “Nice to meet you, Joe.”

  “You too, honey. You all can go on back. You have an hour before anyone else comes in.”

  I thank him again then lead her into the rink, taking her into the player box.

  “Are you gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?” she asks.

  I drop my hockey bag and pull out my sister’s figure skates. “We’re skating, baby.”

  The biggest smile takes over her face and she claps excitedly. “I was hopin’ you were gonna say that.”

  When she told me she had never skated before I knew I had to rectify the situation immediately. It’s an abomination. Some of the best times of my life were spent on the ice.

  “We get the whole place to ourselves?” she asks, sounding in complete awe as she takes in our surroundings.

  “Yep, the rink doesn’t open for another hour.”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “I told you, Cupcake, I’m a legend around these parts.”

  She rolls her eyes playfully before taking a seat on the bench and toeing her boots off.

  I help her with her skates, making sure they are tied tight. I’m barely finished with the last skate when she stands, moving for the ice.

  “Aren’t you going to wait for me?” I ask, biting back a smile.

  “I’m good. I’ll just hold on to the wall until you come out.” Her arms go out at her sides, trying to balance herself as she steps onto the ice.

  Her laughter fills the place as I get my own skates on. Standing, I walk to the opening and take my first stride onto the cold, hard surface, a sense of peace washing over me.

  Grace is only a quarter of the way from where she started. She’s bent over at the waist, her ass up as she tries to balance herself. She looks fucking ridiculous but cute as hell.

  Chuckling, I glide over and lay a smack across her ass.

  With a yelp, she grabs onto the wall and glares up at me as I skate backwards, passing her for a second time.

  “Your stance is good, Cupcake. Just stick your ass up a little higher.”

  “Quit bein’ a show-off and help me.”

  Showing mercy, I take both of her hands in mine. “Stand up straight.”

  Once she does, I begin skating backwards again, pulling her along with me.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” She laughs, acting like we’re going fast when we’re really creeping at a snail’s pace. Eventually, she relaxes and I pick up speed. The smile on her face lights up the whole damn arena, sending a weird sensation through my chest. I bring us to a stop, my arms going around her waist.

  “What’s wrong? Why are we stoppin’?” she asks, looking up at me, her nose pink from the cold.

  Reaching down, I cup her backside and hoist her up.

  Another squeal leaves her, her arms clinging to my neck. “Oh lord, don’t you drop me, Sawyer.”

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, ba
by. Just watch your blades, I have enough scars on my back.”

  Her amusement vanishes, not taking it for the joke it was meant for. “I’ll be careful,” she promises.

  When her knees grip my hips, I start gliding across the ice, keeping my pace steady. Her body is tense, fingers digging into my shoulders.

  “Relax, Grace, I got you.”

  Her teeth sink into her bottom lip. “What if I fall?”

  “I’d never let you fall.”

  Her smile returns, a powerful one that punches me in the chest. She releases her grip on my shoulders and raises her arms out at her sides, closing her eyes. “Faster,” she whispers.

  I quicken my strides and the faster I go, the bigger her smile becomes and it’s a sight to behold. Her expression is soft and sweet, hair whispering across her face from our speed. In this moment, as I hold her warm body against mine, I know without a doubt that God made this beautiful girl just for me.

  For the next hour, I go back and forth from carrying her to teaching her how to skate. We laugh, have some major hot make out sessions, but most importantly we have fun. All too soon, Joe is peeking in, letting me know our time is up.

  “Sorry, Cupcake, that’s our cue,” I say regretfully, skating one final lap with her in my arms.

  “Thank you, Sexy Sawyer, for bringin’ me here. It’s a memory I’ll cherish forever.”

  “You deserve to be happy like this, Grace, always.”

  She rests her forehead against mine. “You make me happy.”

  I’m not going to lie about how fucking awesome that makes me feel. This arena holds some of the best memories of my life, but this one, by far, will always be my favorite.


  We share another awesome meal at my parents’ table, my mother’s home cooking is something I’ve missed. Grace tells my family about our skating session, her face still lit with excitement.

  When there’s a break in conversation, Jesse switches the subject, opening her big mouth about last night. “I heard you had quite the evening at Overtime, care to fill us all in?” she asks, shooting me an amused glance.

  My mother’s expression pinches in concern. “What happened?”