Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection Read online

Page 17

  The incredulous look on his face has me bursting into laughter.

  A handsome smile plays at the corners of his mouth. “You were fucking with me, weren’t you?”

  “No, I wasn’t,” I reply honestly, continuing to laugh. “But your face was pretty darn funny.”

  He chuckles, his husky tone infectious.

  I have to admit he is one good-lookin’ dude, with dark hair and warm chocolate eyes that complement his bronzed skin. He has a hard, lean body, not quite as muscular as Sawyer’s but still one that any female would notice.

  “Well, I guess I know now why you and Sawyer don’t get along,” I say.

  His easiness vanishes. “Oh, yeah? Enlighten me.”

  “Because you’re both exactly alike.”

  He grunts. “I am nothing like that asshole.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re both sexy, charming buggers, with the biggest egos I’ve ever seen.”

  He flashes me another lopsided grin. “You think I’m sexy?”

  I roll my eyes. “See? That’s so somethin’ Sawyer would say too, you also missed the big ego part.”

  “First of all, that asshole’s ego is way bigger than mine,” he says, pointing at me, “and secondly, the reason why I hate him is because he fucked my girlfriend a couple of years ago when he came back for a visit.”

  I wince at the information. I must say, no matter how big of a manwhore Sawyer was, I’m surprised to hear he would do somethin’ like that.

  “Well…that wasn’t very nice of him. Or your girlfriend for that matter,” I mumble, not knowing what else to say.

  He cracks into laughter, finding something funny in what I just said. “I have to admit, sweetness, you are just as cute as your accent.”

  I throw my hands up in frustration. “Why on earth do y’all keep sayin’ I have an accent?”

  “Because here ‘we ain’t talk like this,’” he says, mockin’ me.

  My eyes narrow. “First off, buddy, that’s not an accent, it’s just how I speak. It’s how my mama always spoke, too. And secondly, it’s not nice to make fun of people.”

  “I wasn’t making fun of you,” he says, exasperated. “I just said it was cute, and it is. Actually, I think it’s sexy as hell.” His tone drops, a husky undertone to it.

  I have to admit, this guy might just give Sawyer a run for his money in the flirtin’ department. It’s a good thing I know better and am immune to it.

  “So, that’s why you came over here? You saw an opportunity and thought you would get back at Sawyer?”


  I nod.

  “Yes, at first it was. I see my ex hanging all over him, and even though I could give a shit about her anymore, it still pisses me off because, like you said, I have a big fucking ego.”

  “Your girlfriend is here?” I ask, surprised.

  “Ex,” he corrects firmly.

  “Who?” I ask, my eyes scanning the large crowd.

  “Her name is Stephanie.”

  “Town bicycle?” I shriek, my stomach plummeting.

  Ugh! I hate hearin’ that.

  “I guess that means you’ve met her?”

  “Just briefly. She really didn’t seem all that nice. If you ask me, it was a blessin’ in disguise. You’re way better off without her.”

  “She’s a total bitch, but it still doesn’t make me any less pissed at Sawyer.”

  I nod, because I can understand that.

  “But to finish your earlier question, yes, my original intention coming over here was payback, but not anymore. Now I think you’re pretty cool, and I just want you to have a shot with me and maybe a conversation, since your asshole boyfriend is too busy.”

  He makes a valid point. “All right, I’ll have this shot with you, on one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You have to tell me your name, keep your sweetness comments to yourself, and don’t call my boyfriend an asshole.”

  “That’s three,” he says.

  “Fine, then on three conditions.”

  “All right, no more sweetness, or asshole, and the name is Jase.” He grabs his shot glass, holding it up.

  Grabbing mine, I do the same, tilting it in his direction.

  “To sweet southern girls.”

  “How about to men with big egos?” I return.

  A chuckle rumbles from his chest. “That works, too.” He tosses his shot back, looking like he’s done this many times before.

  I follow suit, but the nasty liquid barely makes it down my throat. Fire erupts, shredding my vocal chords. “Oh god!” I sputter, coughin’, “What the hell was that?”

  His laugh explodes through the bar, finding my amateur ass funny. “Suck on this, it’ll help.” He leans across the table and shoves a lime between my lips. “Haven’t you ever done tequila before?”

  I shake my head, his face blurring before me.

  His eyes move to something behind me, his easy demeanor changing in an instant. That’s when the energy in the room shifts, a dark presence looming at my back. I already know who it is before I even turn around.

  Sawyer glares down at us, fury dominating his expression. Bicycle bitch stands not far behind him, a snotty smirk on her face.

  “Having fun?” he asks, his voice dangerously hard.

  “Actually, we’re having a great time, aren’t we, Grace?”

  I shoot Jase a warning look, not appreciating his smart mouth at the moment.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to, Crawford, but you better get away from her before I wipe that smirk off your face with my fist.”

  I push to my feet, feeling both annoyed and embarrassed. “Cut the crap, Sawyer, we were just talkin’.”

  “Stay out of this, Grace.”

  “You are actin’ like a fool,” I fire back.

  “She’s right, Evans,” Jase says, speaking again instead of keeping his trap shut. “If anyone should be mad right now, it’s her. You’re the one who left her sitting here by herself. Can’t expect someone not to come along and keep her sweet ass company.”

  Sawyer reaches for him and it sends Jase to his feet. They shove one another, knocking chairs over in their haste. Friends quickly jump in to keep them apart but Sawyer fights against them, his anger overriding his common sense.

  “Outside!” Sawyer orders, pointing at Jase over Cam’s shoulder. “We’re going to finish this once and for all.”

  “No, you’re not. Let it go, Sawyer,” I yell.

  When he refuses to even acknowledge me, I decide I’ve had enough.

  “Fine. Do what you want, but I’m not standin’ here and watchin’ this shit for another second.” Swiping my purse and jacket from the chair, I turn to Jase and the friends I met earlier tonight. “It was nice meeting y’all,” I say, not wanting to be rude. My eyes move to bicycle bitch last, teeth grinding at the smug look on her face. “Except for you!” Spinning on my heel, I fight my way through the heavy crowd, apologizing as I knock into people’s shoulders.

  “Nice meeting you, Grace. Call me,” Jase yells at my retreating back.

  I roll my eyes and hear Sawyer go after him again, but I don’t stop. I am so done with his arrogant ass. How dare he ignore me all night then get mad because I’m having a conversation with someone.

  The frigid air hits my heated face as I push outside, giving me a small reprieve. I have no idea where to go so I pick a direction and start walkin’.

  Sawyer crashes out the door soon after me. “Grace! Get your ass back here, right now.”

  Ignoring him, I pick up the pace, my boots tearing up the cement, the clicking of my heels matching the furious rhythm of my heartbeat.

  His growl sounds behind me, too close for comfort, and before I’m able to anticipate it he lifts me off my feet, tossing me over his shoulder.

  “What the hell are you doin’? Put me down right now, Sawyer Evans,” I demand, squirming against his hold.

  A sharp slap is delivered across my
ass. “Stay still,” he growls.

  I tense, my mouth dropping open at his audacity. “Did you just spank me?”

  That’s it!

  My fists pound his back as I demand to be put down. It does me little good. He opens his truck door and tosses me inside. I swipe my tangled hair out of my face and glare up at him. “I’m not going anywhere with you!”

  My hands shove against his chest but he pins me back into my seat, his furious expression hovering before mine. “Do not fuck with me right now. We’re leaving and we’re doing it together.”

  I swallow hard, the fury raging in his eyes keeping me in place. The slam of my door has me flinching. Grinding my teeth, I throw on my seatbelt and turn to face my window.

  Once he climbs in on his side, the truck roars to life and he punches the gas, peeling away from the curb like a maniac.

  “Slow down! You’re actin’ like an idiot,” I yell.

  “And whose fault is that?”

  “Yours. You’re the one overreacting!”

  “Bullshit,” he bellows. “What the fuck do you think you were doing with him?”

  “I was having a conversation with the only person in the whole damn bar that would pay any attention to me. A conversation…that’s it!”

  “Oh really, that’s why, when I walked up, that motherfucker was shoving a lime between your lips?”

  “I had never done tequila before so he shoved the lime in my mouth because I was gaggin’ the nasty shit up.”

  “You shouldn’t have been doing any shots with him period,” he bellows, pointing his finger in my face. “Never again, Grace. Do you hear me?”

  I slap his finger away, my anger boiling over and exploding like dynamite. “How dare you tell me who I can talk to or have a drink with when you ignored me all damn night.”

  “I tried to bring you with me. You’re the one who said you were going to sit with Amanda and wait for your drink.”

  “Yeah, and she left me five minutes later. I also didn’t think you would leave me all damn night.”

  “I figured you would have come join me if you were alone.”

  “Well, maybe you would have noticed me by myself if bicycle bitch didn’t soak up all your attention.”

  He rears back, confused. “Who the fuck is bicycle bitch?”

  “Jase’s ex girlfriend that you slept with.”

  He tenses, his hand gripping the steering wheel tighter.

  “I can’t believe you did that to someone, Sawyer. You should be ashamed of yourself. It’s no wonder he doesn’t like you very much. I wouldn’t either if you had sex with my girlfriend…err boyfriend…oh, you know what I mean.”

  “Let’s get one thing straight. I did not pay any attention to that bitch tonight,” he says. “And secondly, that shit was a misunderstanding and he needs to get the fuck over it already.”

  I lift a brow. “A misunderstanding?”

  “I didn’t know they were still dating! She told me they broke up.”

  I scoff at the poor excuse.

  “Why are you so protective over some asshole you don’t even know?”

  “I am not protecting him. I’m just sayin’ I understand why he doesn’t like you. You were a complete jerk with the way you came at us like that. You didn’t even stop to ask me what was goin’ on, you just shot your mouth off and started a fight.”

  “I didn’t need to ask. I could see what was going on.”

  “Well, it’s nice to know you noticed me after forty-five minutes!”

  “What do you want from me, Grace? I tried to bring you with me and you said no. You could have joined us when Amanda left you.”

  “Why should I be the one to join you? I’m your guest. Do you think it’s fun for me to be around a crowd of girls you’ve slept with while they hang off you?”

  “That’s not what happened!”

  I bite my tongue, refusing to argue anymore. It’s obvious our view on what happened tonight is not one and the same. By the time he pulls up in front of the guesthouse, I’m close to tears.

  When he puts the tuck in park, I turn to face him, my heart breaking at the distance between us. “Why did you even bring me there?”

  “You’re the one who said I should go and let’s face it, I was not going to leave you behind.”

  His words hit me like a slap in the face, the realization hitting me that he only brought me along because he felt obligated.

  “That did not come out right,” he says. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Save it. I don’t give a shit what you meant.” I hurry into the house, refusing to spend another moment in his presence.

  “Grace, get the fuck back here, we are not done talking.”

  “I have nothing more to say to you!” My feet are quick as I charge inside, heading straight to the master bedroom. Both of our suitcases sit by the bedroom door. Grabbing Sawyer’s, I toss it out into the hall just as he comes charging into the house. I close the door and lock it before he can enter.

  He bangs on the wood. “Open this door right now!”

  Not in this lifetime, bucko!

  I throw myself on the bed and cover my head with a pillow, trying to block out his stupidity and mask the tears I can no longer keep in.

  How did this night turn so awful?

  Sawyer, that’s how. The darn jerk!

  More pounding sounds on the door. “Grace, I mean it, if you don’t open this fucking door, I will break it down.”

  When I make no effort to move he does exactly that. The loud crash has me sitting up in a panic. I flip around to find the door off its hinges, lying on the ground. I blink several times, disbelief coursing through me as I climb to my feet.

  “What the hell are ya doin’? You just broke your sister’s door, ya idiot!” I swing my pillow at him, furiously hitting him in the head, chest, anywhere I can reach.

  His arms lift to block my blows but I show no mercy. “That’s enough! Give me that fucking thing.” He manages to grab the pillow, tugging it hard enough that it sends me crashing against his chest. The moment my body collides with his, his arms band around me and his mouth descends, stealing my lips like a greedy thief. The act catches me off guard for only a moment before my fingers wind in his hair, anchoring him in place.

  He cups my bottom, lifting me off my feet. My legs wrap around his waist and arms around his neck as he pins me against the hard wall. His tongue thrusts in, assaulting mine in a blaze of fury. I can taste his anger, desperation and need, the same one imploding through my body at this very moment. My tears join that mix, falling even harder in my attempt to make things right between us again.

  He breaks the connection, his chest heaving to the same frantic rhythm as mine. “Tell me this is okay. Tell me, Grace, that you need me just as fucking bad as I need you.”

  “I need you so much right now. I can’t wait any longer.” My words are thick with tears, coming out more vulnerable than I want them to.

  “You are fucking mine,” he bites out the claim, his fierce eyes holding mine. “Do you hear me, Grace? Mine and only mine.” His hips surge forward, his hard cock grinding against the spot I ache for him the most. “Say it! I want to hear you say it.”

  “And what about you, Sawyer?” I whisper. “Are you mine?”

  The fury raging in his eyes eases with something else, something softer. “Yeah, baby, I’m yours. You own all of me, Grace. You owned me before I even knew you.”

  My breath seizes in my chest, making it hard to breathe. His words don’t make sense, but I believe them wholeheartedly because I feel the exact same way.

  “Just like I own your ass, every sweet fucking inch of it.” His hips keep me pinned in place as he reaches for the bottom of my sweater. I raise my arms and it barely clears my head before he moves to my bra, unlatching the front clasp. My breasts tumble into his waiting hands, the touch branding my skin.

  I grip his shirt, dragging it up his back. “Take this off, I want to feel your body against mine.”
  Groaning, he pulls away just enough to rid himself of the material. His hard, naked chest collides with mine, the contact stealing my breath and warming me to the depths of my soul.

  He buries his face in my neck, his breath hot on my fevered flesh. “Jesus, I’ve never felt anything softer than your skin.”

  My hands roam across his strong, sculpted back, feeling the puckered skin of his scars, ones that don’t belong on a man as honorable as him. I relish in the feel of our bodies so close but it’s not enough. I want more.

  I want it all.

  As if sensing my thoughts, he places me back on my feet, his mouth descending lower, tasting my skin as he drops to his knees before me. He continues undressing me by removing my boots then brings his efforts to my pants, his fingers slipping beneath my waistband. He drops a hot open-mouthed kiss on my stomach before sliding the snug material down my legs, leaving me in nothing else but my black lace panties.

  A low growl rumbles from his chest, his eyes fixated on the apex of my thighs. His hot breath hits the lace of my panties, creating a mass of sensations to explode through my body. My fingers drive into his hair, trying to bring his mouth against me.

  He resists against my greedy effort and looks up at me with a smirk. “You want my mouth don’t you, baby? Want my tongue buried deep in your pussy again?”

  His erotic words have me moaning and thrusting my hips toward his face.

  “Answer me, Grace.”

  “Yes, I want it, I want it so badly,” I admit shamelessly, my words nothing more than a whisper.

  “And I’m going to give it to you, baby, because I want that, too. I want the scent and taste of your sweet pussy all over my face.” He slips his fingers beneath the center of my panties, running them through my wet slit.

  My lips part on a gasp as pleasure ravages my body.

  “Always so fucking wet for me.” He groans. “I hope you’re ready, Grace, because tonight I am going to kiss, taste, and fuck every inch of your body. I’m going to bring you so much pleasure you’ll be screaming for it.”

  I don’t doubt it. I already feel like screamin’.

  Grabbing the side of my panties, he tears them from my body and buries his mouth in my hot flesh.