An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2) Read online

Page 5

  I lost control; I threw my drink in his face and shoved him until he stumbled back, knocking over the table behind him.

  That was when Missy Robins stepped in, the bitch eyeing me up and down with a sneer. “Really, Katelyn, you have no one to blame but yourself. You are delusional if you think Tommy or any guy here would be seen with trash like you. I’m surprised he even did it for the money.”

  I wanted to lash out at her, scratch her eyes out, and hurt her as bad as they all hurt me.

  Instead, I ran.

  I took off my heels and ran as fast as I could. I ran until I ended up here. At my sanctuary.

  The sound of snapping twigs alerts me of his presence just before I feel him sit beside me. Nick’s incredible scent and close proximity brings the first sense of peace I’ve felt since the horrible incident.

  “How did you know I was here?” I ask without looking up.

  “Faith called and said you ran off upset. I figured I would find you here.”

  Because this is my solitude, he is my safe haven.

  “You going to tell me what happened?”

  I shake my head, still refusing to look at him. If I tell him or Kolan they will kill Tommy and everyone else involved. I don’t want them to get in trouble.

  “Katelyn, look at me.” Pulling my arms away he lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him. His expression softens at the pain etched on my face but his eyes hold a rage that has ice running through my veins. “Did he hurt you?”

  I nod, unable to speak at the moment.

  “He put his fucking hands on you?”

  I shake my head and finally find my voice. “No, but it would have hurt less if he did,” I choke out, my heart breaking all over again as I think about it. “It was a bet, Nick. All of this was just some stupid bet to humiliate me.” I drop my head back onto my knees and cry. “I feel so stupid. I should have known better.”

  “Hey, come on, Kate. You’re not stupid but that little fucker is. Especially if he thinks he’s going to get away with it.”

  “I should have known better. I feel horrible that Kolan worked so hard to buy me this dress and it was all for nothing.”

  “Do you think he gives a shit about any of that when you’re hurting like this? You’re all that matters, not the money.”

  I glance back up at him, my heart mending from his kind words. He takes his thumb and swipes at my wet cheeks, his gaze somber.

  Looking away, I stare out at the moonlit water. “One day I’m getting out of here and I’m going to be something. I’m going to prove to everyone I’m more than the trash they think I am.”

  An enraged growl tears from him before he frames my face and pulls my gaze to his. “You have nothing to prove. Do you hear me? These people are fucking nothing, Katelyn. You want to know why those bitches are always giving you a hard time? Because they’re jealous. You’re beautiful; the hottest chick to exist in this goddamn town and they can’t fucking stand it.” His voice softens but is no less furious. “Why the hell do you think Kolan and I have those high school fuckers terrified to even look at you? It’s not you who isn’t good enough, Kate, they aren’t good enough for you.”

  It was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

  “Do you understand?”

  I nod, wide-eyed and a little stiffly since my face is still between his hands.

  “You. Are. More,” he says, emphasizing every word. “Say it. I want you to say it.”

  I swallow hard and stare back into his fierce blue-gray eyes. “I am more.”

  “And don’t ever fucking forget it.”

  “Okay,” I agree, feeling like I have no choice in the matter.

  When his eyes drop to my mouth, my heart stalls in my chest. I swear he’s about to kiss me. I pray for it. Instead his hands fall from my face and he puts a little distance between us, his gaze now at the creek.

  “My life would be so much easier if you loved me,” I whisper before I can think better of it.

  He chuckles, thinking I’m joking. I’m not. But I let him think it. I know if I tell him the truth he will run out of here in the blink of an eye.

  “Trust me, your life wouldn’t be better.”

  I tilt my head curiously. “Why do you say that?”

  “I’m not capable of it. I’m too broken to love anyone.”

  I stare at his profile, my already damaged heart shattering. This isn’t the first time I’ve wondered what the hell happened to him, what made him like this.

  “I think maybe we’re all a little broken, Nick. I know I am.”

  “All the more reason it wouldn’t work.”

  “I don’t know about that,” I whisper. “Sometimes, two broken pieces make a whole.”

  His head whips back to me, his eyes fierce yet guarded. Something passes between us, something that penetrates all the way to my soul. Knowing things are getting too heavy for him, I drop the conversation and let my hair down; brushing my fingers through the thick strands before I lie back and stare up at the stars. I feel his eyes on me, but I don’t acknowledge them and wait patiently for him to join me.

  Eventually, he lies down close to me, so close that his body heat seeps into mine, warming every cold and lonely place inside of me.

  We focus on the night sky above us, letting silence fill the air until he breaks it a few minutes later. “You’re too perfect to be broken.” His words are so quiet I barely hear him.

  With a smile I move a bit closer, placing my head in the crook of his arm while keeping my gaze on the stars. We stay like this for the rest of the night, and for the first time in my life a warm peace settles over me. Every emotional wound and scar starting to heal. All because of the guy next to me. The one who makes me feel whole—the one who makes me feel more than I am.

  Coming back to the present, I lie in that exact same spot, still clutching the pink stone against my heart. Only this time I feel no peace, I feel completely dead inside.

  He was my other broken half and now I’ll never be whole again.



  Seven years later

  “Kolan Slade, a well-known championship fighter with the EFC has fled town after a warrant was issued for his arrest Sunday morning. The twenty-seven-year-old is being charged with rape in the first degree, along with assault and battery. The Police Department is looking for your help. If you have any idea on his whereabouts please contact Charleston PD at 555—”

  I power off the television before the news anchor can finish reciting the phone number, unable to listen to another second of it. I stare at the black screen through blurry vision, feeling heartbroken and completely helpless. Pretty much how I’ve felt the past three days while I’ve been trying to find my brother.

  He would never harm a woman; he wouldn’t take off like this and have no contact with me. Which has me terrified something has happened to him.

  I have no one to turn to. Cooper is trying to be supportive but I know he thinks Kolan did it. I guess I can’t blame him since the evidence seems to be pretty incriminating, but it still hurts. All the other guys are questioning it, too, which has strained my friendship with Julia, Kayla, and Grace. It’s hard for me to be around them when they all think he did this. The damn media isn’t helping his case either. Everyone thinks he’s guilty. The only other person who knows Kolan didn’t do this is Faith because she knows him like I do.

  No matter what I’m going to get to the bottom of this. I will not give up on him. Which is why I resorted to finding the only other person who might be able to help me.

  I glance down at the piece of paper in my hand with the phone number belonging to a man I haven’t seen in seven years, but one I’ve never forgotten. Up until a few hours ago I knew nothing about the life he lives now. In the past Faith tried to bring him up a few times, but I always cut her off because it hurt too much to think about him. It still does. However, he might be the only person who can help me right now, and for my brother I wil
l swallow my pride and ask for help.

  After a brief conversation with Pop, someone I haven’t spoken to in just as long, I found out Nick is indeed in the FBI and living in Florida. Calling him might turn out to be the biggest mistake of my life, but I don’t know where else to go. He’s my last resort.

  With a deep breath I swipe my tears away and dial the number. By the first ring, my palms are cold and sweaty.

  By the second, my heart is pounding so loud it’s all I can hear.

  When he answers on the third ring… I’m rendered speechless.


  The sound of his voice stops my heart altogether. A flood of memories hit me like a tidal wave, one standing out more than the others.

  You are more.

  “Hello?” His deep voice pulls me from my fog.

  “Nick,” I croak on a whisper.

  The line goes completely silent.

  I quickly clear my throat. “It’s Katelyn.”

  “I know.”

  His response has my mouth going dry and a million thoughts racing through my mind. But I keep them at bay and get to the task at hand. “I know this is really out of the blue, but…I need your help.”


  “I don’t have anyone else right now.”

  When he still doesn’t say anything my anxiety skyrockets. I lick my dry lips. “Um, I’m not sure if you’ve heard about Kolan but—”

  “I’ve seen the news,” he finally answers.

  I sit for a moment, waiting for him to say more, but he doesn’t. His casual demeanor turns my anxiety into irritation. “Right, I’m sure the whole world has by now,” I grumble. “Anyway, that’s why I’m calling. I need help finding him. I’m worried about him. He hasn’t been in touch with me at all.”

  “Cops are saying he fled town.”

  My back straightens. “Yeah, well cops are saying a lot of things that are bullshit.” Silence fills the line once more and it has a sick feeling forming in my tummy. “You think he did it, don’t you?”

  “Katelyn,” he starts, but I cut him off with a bitter laugh, sensing the truth of my suspicion in his tone.

  “I should have known better than to call you, I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I figured since you were his best friend at one time and know him like I do that you would care.”

  “Would you listen to me? He—”

  “Forget it. I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone. I’ll find him and prove his innocence myself. Sorry to have bothered you. Have a nice life, Nick.”

  “Katelyn, don’t you fucking hang up. I—”

  I do exactly that because I don’t want him to hear me break. He doesn’t deserve it. I throw my phone across the room and bury my face in my hands, my heart shattering in a million pieces.

  I should have known better.

  The realization strikes deep that I really am alone and if that’s how it’s going to be then, like I said before, I’ll do it on my own. Come hell or high water I will find my brother and prove his innocence. I won’t turn my back on him, just like he never has with me.



  When the line goes dead I curse and hit redial, my heart pounding like a jackhammer in my chest.

  She doesn’t pick up. Not the first time or second.

  “Fuck!” I slam my phone down on my desk and sit in stunned silence, shock still coursing through me at the voice I just heard. My eyes move to the picture at the corner of my desk as I try to comprehend what the hell just happened.

  Seven years.

  Seven fucking years since I’ve heard her voice, but I knew it was her the moment she spoke. I’d never forget that sound. I hated the fear I heard in it, and the hurt, especially at my reaction.

  When I pick up my phone and try her number again she still doesn’t answer.

  “Still fucking stubborn as hell I see,” I mumble with frustration as I get up from my chair and head to my boss’s office.

  I knock on the half open door, making Chief Reynolds’s head snap up. “Stone, come in,” he says with a wave. “What can I do for you?”

  “Hey, Chief. I know this is short notice but I need a leave of absence, hopefully not a long one.”

  “A leave of absence?” he asks in surprise, probably because I’ve never missed a day of work in my life.

  I nod.

  He leans back in his chair, looking unhappy with the idea. “You and Jameson are in the middle of a case right now.”

  “We’re almost done and if he can’t wrap it up alone I’m sure Caffrey or Higgins can step in.”

  “Maybe. But they aren’t as good as you and Jameson together, which is why I partnered the two of you.”

  His words don’t surprise me. It’s not the first time he’s said this. “Listen, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

  He scrubs a hand across his jaw thoughtfully. “What if I say no?”

  I stare back at him, trying to gauge if he’s serious or not. I call bullshit; he’s a hard-ass but not an asshole. “Then I’ll be putting in my resignation.”

  He lifts a brow. “This is that important that you would walk away from your position here?”

  I need your help. I don’t have anyone else right now.

  Katelyn’s voice replaying in my head has me answering without hesitation. “Yes.”

  He deflates with a disappointed breath. “All right. How long we talking about?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. A couple of weeks maybe.”

  “Fine,” he grumbles. “But make it quick, Stone. I don’t like being without one of my best agents.”

  “I’ll wrap it up as quick as I can.”

  He nods. “Let me know if you need anything and go fill Jameson in before you leave.”

  “Thanks, Chief.” I walk out and head to Jameson’s office next. I don’t bother with a courtesy knock and walk right in.

  He’s in the midst of hanging up the phone as I enter. “Sure, come on in, make yourself at home.” Sarcasm pours from his words as he spreads his arms out in front of him.

  “I will, thanks,” I reply with a smirk before taking the chair in front of him.

  He grunts. “You’re lucky my wife wasn’t in here.”

  “Actually, I’m unlucky since your wife is nice to look at,” I say, knowing it will get a rise out of him. I chuckle as he tosses his empty coffee cup at me, just missing my head.

  We may bust each other’s balls often but Ryder’s become a good friend and partner. I trust him to have my back and that’s saying a lot because I trust no one.

  “What do you want, asshole?”

  “I came to let you know I’m leaving town for a bit.”


  I nod.


  “South Carolina.”

  I think. That’s where she was last time I checked.

  “How long?”

  “Hopefully only a couple of weeks.”

  “What did the chief say?”

  “He doesn’t like it but he didn’t have a choice. I was going either way, even if I had to resign.”

  His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Whoa, sounds serious. Everything okay?”

  I blow out a breath, thinking about how much shit Slade is in right now, if the news reports are accurate. “I don’t know, man. I won’t know until I get there but an old friend needs my help right now and by the sounds of it she has no one else.”


  I nod but keep my mouth shut. It’s something I don’t want to talk about.

  Thankfully, he respects it. “Anything I can do?”

  “You okay to wrap up the Dollins case on your own or should I ask Caffrey to fill in for me?”

  “No, it’s fine. I can handle it. When are you leaving?”

  “Preferably no later than tomorrow. I’m booking the first available flight,” I say, standing.

  “Take it easy, man. Keep in touch and let me know if you need anything. You know I go
t your back.”

  I nod. “Thanks, but hopefully I won’t need it.”

  If all goes well I’ll get in and out quickly. Because I have no doubt that seeing the one girl I’ve never forgotten, the only one to ever penetrate through my defenses is going to fuck with my head and emotions in the worst way.



  The next day, on my lunch break, I leave the salon and head over to the one place I never thought I would step foot in again. Cryptic. A dance club that belongs to one of the biggest assholes I’ve ever had the unfortunate chance of meeting…and dating.

  Vince Padalecki.

  I met him at the bar for its grand opening. He was handsome and charming to say the least, but I learned quickly it was all an act. It was the most disastrous relationship I’ve ever had, and I’ve had my fair share of them. However, I can’t regret it no matter how horrible it was, because it was the relationship that truly opened my eyes. When I finally remembered, I am more.

  I rub the inside of my wrist, the special words I had tattooed on me as a reminder of what I will never forget again.

  It may have taken a few crummy guys but I finally got it together. I refused to be treated like crap in hopes someone might love me some day. And when I say love me, I mean love me and not my appearance. The last couple of years have been lonely since most of the dates I’ve been on fall flat. No spark, no feels. I started thinking it was me, that maybe I was so beat up from the bad ones that I didn’t have it in me anymore to feel.

  Until that phone call yesterday.

  A lump forms in my throat when I think back to my brief conversation with Nick. It shouldn’t surprise me that I managed to feel so much in that short amount of time—anger, hurt, but most of all, an intense longing. From the moment I heard his voice I wanted so badly to go back to that time where he made everything better, just by being around me. He made me feel safe.