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Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection Page 15
Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection Read online
Page 15
Smiling, I hop up on the stool at the granite island where she begins shredding lettuce. “You have a real beautiful home, especially this kitchen,” I say, still in awe of my surroundings.
“Thank you. Sawyer tells me you’re a baker and create some incredible pies.”
“I don’t know how incredible they are but I do love baking and people seem to really enjoy them. Now my mama, she could make a pie like nobody’s business. From breakfast, lunch to dinner, she could create a masterpiece out of anythin’.” I pause, a little surprised by how easy it was for me to tell her that. Usually, I don’t talk about my mother for fear I’ll break down into a blubberin’ mess, but right now I find myself happy to share this information about her.
Catherine reaches across the counter, placing her hand over mine, her expression soft. “I’m really sorry to hear about what happened to your mama, Grace. Sounds like she was an exceptional woman.”
My heart warms with her kind words. “Thank you. I miss her very much.”
“I’m glad to know my boy has been there for you. He’ll take good care of you.”
I had wondered how much Sawyer told her, obviously the whole story. My biggest worry was she’d be upset for me, knowing her son would be in danger for protecting me but right now I see no resentment from her, only kindness.
“I think Sawyer is a real wonderful person,” I tell her quietly. “He has come to mean an awful lot to me.”
“My son is a good man…with a big ego.”
“He is,” I agree, unable to stop the giggle that escapes me.
“He comes by it honestly, he gets it from his father,” she says, her smile fading. “But I promise you, his heart is much bigger than his ego.”
“And I know that, too.”
“You have my permission to take him down a notch whenever he needs it and I am sure he needs it often.”
“Trust me I try, but sometimes he can be awfully stubborn.”
“Who can be stubborn?”
My eyes shift to find Sawyer has entered the kitchen, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of him. He has changed into a pair of loose jeans and a faded green shirt that stretches across his perfectly sculpted body, complementing the color of his eyes.
“See something you like, Cupcake?”
Heat invades my cheeks as I realize I’ve been caught ogglin’ him in front of his mother. My eyes narrow at his smug smile. “In your dreams, Evans. I was just noticin’ a small dirt mark on your pants is all. I’m surprised your giant head can even fit in this kitchen.”
Catherine’s laughter fills the kitchen. “That a girl.”
Sawyer only seems further amused as he strides toward me, slinging an arm around my neck. “That’s okay, baby, I check you out, too.”
I give him a playful elbow to the ribs.
“What were you ladies talking about when I walked in?” he asks, reaching over to stick his fingers in the salad bowl.
“We were talking about Grace’s pies,” Catherine tells him, slapping his hand away before it can make contact.
“You braggin’ about your pies, Cupcake? And you tell me that I have a big head.”
“Your mom is the one who brought it up. Sounds like you were the one braggin’, shockingly, it wasn’t about yourself this time.”
He chuckles, not the least bit fazed and drops a kiss on my lips. The simple act has my heart exploding. His mom pretends not to notice but there’s no denying the smile that steals her face as she cuts vegetables.
“Listen. I just got a text from a friend,” he says. “He asked if I would come play hockey tonight. They’re short a player and it’s the rival team. What do you think? You up for it?”
“Works for me.”
“Good. Jesse’s going to come, too. Her boyfriend also plays. She’ll sit with you.”
“Sounds fun.”
I’ve never been to a hockey game before and the chance to watch Sawyer do something that was such a big part of who he was growing up is not something I want to miss.
His attention moves to his mother. “Any chance you know where my equipment is?”
She shrugs, avoiding eye contact with him. “You will have to ask your father.”
I have a feeling she knows exactly where it is but Sawyer will have to talk to his father to find out. Something he seems less than thrilled about.
A short time later we sit around the dinner table, awkward tension filling the room. Whatever happened when Sawyer asked his father about his hockey equipment seems to have put them both in a foul mood. However, Catherine and his sisters keep conversation flowing, doing their best to make the situation better.
“You best bring your A-game tonight, big brother,” Jesse says, “sounds like this team is a tough one to beat.”
“I’m not worried.” He leans back in his chair, glancing over at me with a sexy smirk. “Wait until you see me in action, Cupcake. I’m a damn legend around here.”
Before I can take him down a notch, John grunts, making the table fall silent.
Sawyer tenses next to me, his attention shifting to his father who refuses to look at him. “You have something you want to say, Dad?”
My anxious heart kicks up, worried for the confrontation that I am sure is about to ensue.
John finally acknowledges him, his animosity as prominent as Sawyer’s.
“John,” Catherine warns.
“No, Mom, let him say whatever the fuck he needs to say. Maybe if he gets it off his chest, we can all finally move on.”
“Sawyer, watch your mouth!” Catherine scolds.
Sawyer ignores the warning, his anger prominent. “C’mon, old man, just spit it out.”
“You want to know what my damn problem is?” John asks, his voice rising.
“Daddy, stop, you promised,” Sam cuts in, on the verge of tears.
Oh gosh, this is so bad.
“Yeah, I wanna fuckin’ know.”
“Language!” Catherine snaps but both men ignore her.
“I’ll tell you what my goddamn problem is,” his father bellows. “You’re not a legend, you could have been but you threw it all away. You had talent and gave it all up to be…to be—”
“A hero,” I blurt out before I can stop myself.
Silence falls over the table, all eyes pinning on me.
Oh lord, Grace, what have you done?
My eyes drop to my plate as I push on, knowing I can’t back out now. “I don’t know about any of you, but for me, a man who fights for his country is much more honorable than being a legend.” When silence continues to greet my ears, I brave the chance to look up and find everyone still starin’ at me. “Uh, no disrespect to any hockey players. I’m sure they all mean well, too.”
Catherine and his sisters smile at me while Sawyer slings an arm around my neck. “You hear that, old man? I’m a fucking hero.”
“Sawyer Evans, I swear to God, if the F-Bomb falls from your mouth one more time, I’m going to shove an entire bar of soap down your throat.”
Hearing his mother threaten to wash his mouth out has me bursting into laughter. Thankfully, his sisters do too and it somewhat eases the tension.
Jesse takes advantage of the easy moment and changes the subject. “Grace, how about we get ready for the game together? I’d love to show you some of the clothes I’ve designed.”
“I’d like that.”
Conversation flows again, but there’s no denying the lingering animosity. Sawyer’s hand reaches for mine under the table and has me lookin’ up at him. The grateful look he shoots me has my heart leaping in my chest.
Smiling, I squeeze his hand, knowing there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him, even defending his honor to his father.
After supper, I follow Jesse upstairs to her design room and I’m impressed with what I find. Three large racks of outfits sit in the center while mannequins and body forms are placed throughout with the beginnings of more creations.
“Wow, Jesse. These are amazin’
,” I say, completely in awe of her talent as I swipe through the mounds of clothes.
“Thanks. I love what I do. One day I’m going to open my own boutique.”
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, it’d be a shame not to share this talent with the rest of the world.”
She beams at the compliment.
“Would you like to wear an outfit to the game?”
“Really?” I ask excitedly.
“Of course.”
“I’d love to. Thank you so much.”
Sam walks into the room to join us. “Looks like my sister found her next victim.”
Jesse throws a bunched up ball of fabric at her. “Says the girl who is always asking me to make her something.”
“True,” she admits on a giggle.
As Jessie selects an outfit for me, Sam watches me, a knowing smile on her face. “My brother likes you a lot.”
“You think so?” I ask, hope flaring inside my chest.
“I know so,” Jesse says, cutting in. “I’ve never seen him so taken with a girl, and not just because he’s never brought one home before. I can tell by the way he looks at you.”
“I agree,” Sam says. “He has it bad.”
My heart dances with excitement to hear them say that. “I like him a lot, too.”
“I’m glad he found someone like you,” Sam speaks again, more quiet this time. “Someone who will look out for him. He may come across arrogant and tough, but I know what happened to him and his friends in Iraq has left more scars than just the ones that mar his skin.”
Pain lances through me, the same one reflecting in her voice as I think about the mangled skin of his back. “I’ll watch out for him,” I promise.
“We know. You proved that tonight when you stood up to my dad. Which was totally badass by the way.”
“Definitely,” Jesse agrees. “Here, give these a try.” She hands me a pair of black leggings and a cherry red cashmere sweater.
I accept the items and walk behind the dressing screen, taking off my top first.
“What size are your feet?” she asks.
“Usually a seven and a half.”
“Perfect.” I hear her rummage around before she passes over a pair of black thigh-high boots. Thankfully, ones without a heel. “These are mine but you can borrow them.”
“Thank you.”
“So how did you and my brother meet?” Sam asks.
“Through our mutual friends, Jaxson and Julia.”
“Ah yes, we’ve met Jaxson. A little more sociable than Cade but not much,” she snickers, though it quickly trails off. “How’s he doing?”
“Cade?” I ask.
I shrug then remember she can’t see me. “Good, I guess. Like you said he doesn’t talk much.”
She sighs. “No he doesn’t. He never has.”
“Why is that?” I ask, the question burning inside of me not for the first time.
Jesse is the one to answer. “Let’s just say he’s had a rough life. He lost his younger sister tragically. I’ll let Sawyer give you the details, but when I say it was tragic, it was absolutely devastating.”
My heart breaks to hear that, but I’m also not surprised. I knew something awful had to have happened by the pain lurkin’ in his eyes. A pain I know all too well.
“All right, get your pretty ass out here and let’s see my creation,” Jesse says.
Smilin’, I finish zipping up the last boot and step out from behind the screen. Low whistles come from Jesse and Sam as they look me over from head to toe.
“Yeah? Does it suit me?” I ask.
“See for yourself.” Jesse steps aside, revealing a full length mirror behind her.
I stare at my reflection, loving what I see. The outfit is trendy yet casual. The sweater is a great contrast against my skin color and complements my blonde hair. The black leggings feel like butter and hug my body in all the right places, especially my behind. The boots are different and something I usually wouldn’t wear but I have to admit they are badass and I love them.
“Thank you, Jesse. I feel beautiful.”
“Well duh, that’s all you, silly, not me,” she says, warming my heart. “But you’re welcome. When everyone is fawning over you tonight at the game just make sure you tell them where you got it from.”
“I definitely will.”
“Good. Now let’s finish dolling up.”
She grabs her cosmetic bag and not only does her makeup but mine as well. She does a wonderful job once again, the shades of eye shadow and lip gloss she chooses enhance my ensemble. I must say, she really has a knack for this fashion thing.
While she does her finishing touches, I ask if there’s a bathroom close by.
Sam points to the left. “Third door on the right.”
“Thanks, I’ll be right back.” I head down the long hallway, admiring the family pictures hanging on the walls. Many are of Sawyer playing various sports throughout the years, and the transformation from boy to man is incredible, especially when I reach the photo of him dressed in his Naval uniform.
The second door I come upon is half-open and I find John inside, standing at his desk. He’s bent over a set of blueprints, his expression hard in concentration.
I hesitate for only a second before lifting my hand and gently knocking.
His head snaps up, eyes flaring in surprise. “Grace.”
“Hi.” I wave nervously. “Do you have a moment?”
“Of course, come in.” He takes in my outfit as I enter and smiles. “I see my daughter got ahold of you to play dress up.”
I laugh but it cracks from my nerves. “She did. It was very kind of her. She’s good at what she does.”
“Yes, she is,” he agrees, pride strong in his voice.
An awkward silence quickly settles over us.
“I just wanted to apologize for interruptin’ you at the dinner table. I meant no disrespect.”
He waves away my apology. “If anyone should apologize, it’s me. Clearly, my boy and I have some issues, and it shouldn’t have been brought up at the table like that. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Already forgiven,” I tell him. Instead of leaving it at that and walking out, I open my big trap again. “I hope I’m not out of line here but I just want you to know that Sawyer is an amazing man. The best I’ve ever known and you should be so proud. My own father wants nothin’ to do with me and I think it’s really sad for you two to let anythin’ wreck your relationship. Believe me, it takes only a second to have the people we love ripped away from us.”
The stark pain that enters his eyes makes me feel horrible. I really need to learn when to shut up and mind my own business.
“Anyway… I just thought you should know that.” After a lame wave, I walk away only to have him call me back. I turn around to find him walking up to me. My heart bangs inside my chest, fearing he’s gonna tell me to pack my bags and get out of his house. I wouldn’t blame him. However, he doesn’t do that. Instead, he surprises me by pulling me into his arms, giving me a warm hug.
I tense, stunned for only a second before I wrap my arms around his waist and return his embrace.
“I’m glad to know my boy has been there for you, Grace. You’re a good girl, and that father of yours is a damn idiot. Any man would be lucky to have you as their daughter. I want you to know you’re always welcome in my home.”
My heart swells in my chest, emotion thickening my throat. “Thank you,” I choke out on a whisper.
He drops a kiss on my head; another thing that reminds me of Sawyer, then walks out the door, leaving me alone in his office, his kind words lingering in my heart. It amazes me how fast this family has accepted me and made me feel a part of it.
Eventually, my feet put me in motion again, sending me in the direction of the bathroom, but before I can reach it I’m yanked into a room on my right.
A startled gasp escapes me when I’m lifted off my feet and pinned against the wall.
It’s not long before I register the feel of Sawyer’s hard body. I lock my legs around his waist, my breath catching at the feel of his erection between my parted thighs.
The room is fairly dark, only the cast of moonlight creating a soft glow dancing across the handsome face before me. The emotions reflecting in his intense green eyes as he gazes back at me has my pulse kicking up.
“Sawyer?” I ask, wondering if everything’s okay.
Instead of answering, he dips his head, bringing his mouth upon mine. His lips are like a heated caress, coaxing mine into a timeless dance that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Never have I been kissed like this before. Every one we have shared prior to this has always been passionate and urgent. But this one? This one is different. It’s on a whole other spectrum and any kiss previous to this has been obliterated.
By the time he pulls back, I’m breathless, drunk on his intoxicating taste. I inhale several deep breaths but keep my eyes closed, basking in the moment for as long as I can. When I can no longer avoid it, I open my eyes and get lost in his green irises.
“Hi,” I croak out, not knowing what else to say.
He flashes me a cocky smirk. “Hi, Cupcake.”
“Why are you hiding behind doors and preying on innocent women?”
“I’m only preying on one woman, baby.” He leans in again, pressing his lips to the base of my neck.
My head falls back, giving him all the access he needs. “Tell me about her,” I say, trying to be sexy but my voice comes out ridiculously breathless.
“She’s beautiful,” he murmurs, his hot breath a contradiction to the goose bumps he’s eliciting across my skin, “she makes the best pies in the world, and she smells like cupcakes.” His words are followed by a sharp nip to my delicate skin.
A shiver racks my body, dancing all the way to the tips of my toes. “Mmmm. She sounds yummy.”
He chuckles but it trails into a groan. “Oh, baby, she’s fucking delicious.” Driving the point home, his hips surge forward, his erection hitting where I want him most. “And she wears sexy fuck-me boots. Jesus, where did you find these and why haven’t I seen them before?”
“They’re your sister’s.”
His muscles tense before he drops his head on my shoulder. “Well, that just killed the fantasy I was having.”