Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection Page 24
My head tilts at his vague answer. There’s a subtle shift in his demeanor but it’s so quick that I begin to think I imagined it. Before I can think more about it we pull up to Jaxson and Julia’s and the moment is forgotten, an almost gleeful smile forming on my lips.
Time for payback.
Just as Sawyer parks the truck, I put the box of pies down next to me and rise up on my knees, facing him. “Hey, Sexy Sawyer?”
“Yeah, baby?” he says, distracted as he removes his sunglasses.
“I just wanted to show you somethin’.”
He finally looks over at me and that’s when I lift my dress, bunching the material at my hips as I reveal my cream lace panties and matching garter belt that’s clipped to my stockings.
His swift inhale penetrates the truck, a hungry expression adorning his face that is both comical and knee weakening. His deer in headlights look has me bursting into laughter.
When he reaches for me, I lean back, pressing against my door. “Uh-uh,” I tsk, waving my finger at him mockingly. “No touching. Just like you weren’t supposed to touch my pies.” With a sassy smile, I pull the handle behind me and jump out of the truck, taking my box of pies with me.
“Grace!” His desperate protest is cut off by the slam of my door.
I hurry up the front steps when I hear him exit the truck, knowing if he catches up to me there is no way I’ll be able to resist his touch and we will be later than we already are.
“Grace,” he whispers heatedly, “I mean it, you get the fuck back here, right now.”
A snicker escapes me as I finish making my way up the stairs.
I lift my hand to knock but Julia ends up opening the door first. “Oh, hey, Grace. I knew I heard someone pull up. Thought maybe you were Grams.”
“Nope, just Sawyer and me.”
She smiles. “Well, just as exciting. Come in.”
Stepping inside, I shift the box of pies under my arm and pull her in for a hug. “Happy Thanksgiving. You look so darn beautiful,” I say, loving the burgundy maternity dress she’s wearing.
A warm smile rests on her face. “Thank you. So do you.” She moves to close the door but swings it back open, peeking her head outside. “Sawyer, what the heck are you doing? Are you coming or not?”
I turn and find Sawyer still standing by the truck, his narrowed eyes promising retribution.
Oh, boy, I’m in trouble.
“I’ll be there in a minute. Forgot something in my truck,” he mumbles.
I have a feeling I know exactly why he isn’t coming in yet.
Thankfully, Julia has no clue. Shrugging, she closes the door. “Come in, everyone is in the kitchen. We’re just waiting on Cade and Grams.”
She reaches for the box under my arm, her hand halting when she sees the half eaten pies.
My cheeks heat with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, Julia. Sawyer ate a piece of each pie while I was in the shower. I didn’t have enough time to make more before we left.”
She chuckles, not seeming the least bit surprised. “Don’t worry about it. This is still plenty for everyone. Come on.”
I follow her into the kitchen to find a few people already sitting at the kitchen table that has been beautifully decorated for the occasion.
Both Kayla and Katelyn stand to greet me, Kayla hugging me first then Katelyn.
“Happy Thanksgiving, ladies,” I say, hugging them back.
Katelyn is another person who has been so nice and acceptin’ of me. From the time I moved here she has gone out of her way to make me feel welcome, even giving me deals at her salon. She knows what it’s like to move to a small town you didn’t grow up in. Over time, she’s become more than my esthetician, she’s become a good friend.
“Hi, Grace,” a sweet, young voice greets me.
I peek around Katelyn to see Anna walking over to me. “Anna, hi.” I pull her in for a hug, too. “Don’t you look as pretty as ever.”
“Thank you.” She smiles shyly, running her hands down her dress nervously.
Her boyfriend, Logan, sits at the kitchen table, a scowling Jaxson across from him, glaring daggers at the poor kid.
“Hi, Logan, nice to see you again,” I say, giving him a small wave.
“You, too.” He seems calm and cool, despite Jaxson’s hard unrelenting gaze.
“Jaxson! Give it a rest already,” Julia snaps.
He grunts but finally shifts his attention from Logan over to me, acknowledging me with a nod. “Hey, Grace. Glad you could come.”
“Thanks, me too.”
Cooper approaches me next, his expression soft as he enfolds me in a hug. “Happy Thanksgiving, Grace.”
The gesture catches me by surprise but more than anything, it completely warms my heart.
“Happy Thankgivin’, Cooper,” I whisper, hugging him tight. Coop and I have always had a good relationship but since everything with Miguel I feel like it’s become stronger. He’s done a lot to protect me, watch out for me like he does for the rest of this town and it means a lot to me.
“Hey, get your hands off my Cupcake!” Sawyer teases, striding into the kitchen.
Giggling, I step back from Cooper and start unloading the pies while he and Sawyer exchange a handshake.
Sawyer continues his greetings, heading for Anna next. “There’s our girl.” Slinging an arm around her shoulders, he playfully ruffles up her hair. “Lookin’ good, kid.”
She glares up at him, smoothing the mess he just made. “Why must you always mess my hair? Don’t you know that’s a sin when it comes to us girls?”
“Should I go mess with your boyfriend instead?” he asks, a cocky smirk resting on his face.
“All right, that’s enough,” Julia breaks in. “Leave poor Anna alone.”
“Yeah, leave me alone,” she says, throwing a playful jab to his ribs.
Chuckling, he dodges her attempt and walks over to greet everyone else.
I finish displaying most of my pies on the kitchen island then open the freezer for the ice cream and that’s when I feel a hard body move up behind me, crowding my back.
Sawyer’s fingers dig into the soft flesh of my hips, his erection pressing into my bottom. “You’re going to pay for that little stunt you pulled, Cupcake. I’m going to spank your ass so good, baby, you won’t be able to sit down without feeling me.”
A shiver skips down my spine, my breath racing as I remember feeling his hand last night when he had me bent over the kitchen table.
“Guys, they’re here. Come help please,” Julia calls out, penetrating our moment.
Sawyer leans in, his jaw brushing mine as he gives my ear a sharp nip.
If not for the cold air from the freezer, I would melt to the floor right here, right now.
He steps back, giving me the reprieve my overheated body needs before following the others out of the kitchen. Pulling myself together, I close the freezer door and turn around to see that Katelyn, Anna, and Logan are the only ones left with me.
“What’s goin’ on? Where did everyone go?”
Katelyn flashes me a knowing smile. “Why don’t you go see for yourself?”
Frowning, I walk out of the kitchen only to come to a cold, hard stop when I see Sawyer, Jaxson, and Cooper carrying Mac through the door in his wheelchair.
“Mac?” I whisper, blinking in disbelief.
His eyes snap to mine, his battered face splitting into a grin. “Well, hey there, darlin’, you mind an old man joinin’ you for some turkey dinner?”
The laugh that escapes me tumbles into a sob. Rushing forward, I fall to my knees before him, burying my face into his chest. He wraps his arms around me but they lack their usual strength.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” I cry. “I thought you weren’t getting out for another week?”
“I am. I have to go back after dinner but the sheriff here pulled some strings and got me out for the evening. I couldn’t pass up Miss Julia’s invitation, not when it meant spending Thanksgi
ving with my girl.”
His girl.
Such simple words mean so much, especially when my own father doesn’t even want me.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” I whisper.
“Me too, darlin’. Me too.”
Leaning back, I swipe my wet cheeks and see Cade walk in. It isn’t long before I realize he must have brought him here. I face everyone, my heart melting at their generosity. “Thank you all for being so thoughtful.”
Julia wipes away her own emotion. “It’s our pleasure, Grace, but I’m afraid we can’t take all the credit. It was actually Sawyer’s idea to surprise you.”
My blurry eyes shift to Sawyer, to where he stands leaning against the railing, lookin’ rather proud of himself.
I should have known this was all him—the sweet, sexy, arrogant son of a gun.
Kayla clears her throat, breaking the sudden silence invading the room. “Why don’t we head into the kitchen and, well…oh hell, let’s just leave these two alone for a minute.”
My eyes never leave Sawyer’s as everyone exits the room. Slowly, I start forward. His eyes travel the length of my body, heat darkening his green irises. I have no doubt he’s thinkin’ about what I have beneath this dress.
Smiling, I push up on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugs me close, his hard body crushing mine as he lightly lifts me off my feet. Unable to put into words what he means to me, I decide to show him. My lips land on his, deep and passionate, the warmth in my heart spreading right to the tips of my fingers and toes.
By the time I pull back, we’re both breathless.
My hands rest against his hard jaw, my feet continuing to dangle off the floor as I peer into his handsome face. “I love you, Sawyer. Thank you for bringin’ Mac here today. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
“Anything for my Cupcake.”
I didn’t think it was possible to love this man any more than I already do, but I was very wrong.
“Does this mean I’m forgiven for eating your pie?” he asks hopefully.
“Oh, yes, you’re more than forgiven. In fact, I’m gonna make you your very own special pie. One that no one else can eat but you.”
“Good, and I want you to deliver it wearing nothing but what you have on under here.” His hand slips between us, traveling up the inside of my thigh and grasping one of the straps that are clipped to my stocking.
“Does this mean you’re not gonna spank me tonight after all?” I ask, surprised I can even form a coherent word at the moment.
His eyes hold mine. “That depends.”
“You.” His hand moves to my backside, cupping one cheek, squeezing the supple flesh. “Do you want me to spank this pretty ass, Grace?”
“Yes,” I breathe. “I liked it when you did it to me last night.” The confession falls shamelessly past my lips, my need for him growing by the second.
Growling, his mouth claims mine once again, his lips hot and eager. My fingers drive into his hair, gripping and urgent. I forget everyone else but him, drowning in this perfect world that only he and I create.
In a quick move, he withdraws his hand from under my dress and places me back on my feet. My heavy eyes open, mind spinning. I’m about to ask why he stopped when Julia breezes past my back.
“Don’t mind me. Just grabbing the door.”
Feeling mortified, I push away from Sawyer and smooth my hands down my dress, making myself presentable.
Goodness, I didn’t even hear anyone knock.
Julia is nice enough not to acknowledge our inappropriate behavior and swings the door open to reveal Grams.
“Hi, my sweet Julia,” Grams greets her, kissing each one of her cheeks before bending down to press one to her tummy. “And how’s my darling great grandbaby today?”
Julia’s smile glows with her happiness. “The baby is great. Hungry though, the smell of turkey cooking all day has been torture.”
“I’ll bet it has,” she snickers, patting her shoulder.
“Hi, Grams,” I greet her with a smile. “Happy Thanksgivin’.”
“Oh, Grace, my dear. You look beautiful.” She links her elderly arm with mine and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”
“I’m doin’ well. Thank you.”
Her gaze shifts to Sawyer behind me and she practically beams with excitement. “Sawyer, you sly devil.” She lugs me behind her as she marches up to him. Her hand tangles in his shirt and she forces him to bend down so she can kiss his cheek.
He soaks up every bit of her attention, even kissing her cheek in return.
Such a charmer.
“I hope you’ve been taking good care of our sweet Grace here,” she says, flashing me a kind smile.
“You bet. Her butt has been in good hands.”
My eyes narrow, not missing his double meaning.
By Grams’s snicker, it seems she doesn’t either. “Oh, I’ll just bet it has.”
Julia saves me from further embarrassment. “All right, Grams, let’s take you into the kitchen so you can say the rest of your hellos.”
I flash her a grateful look and follow them into the kitchen, but not before delivering Sawyer a punch to the arm, silently scolding him. He graces me with a wink, not the least bit apologetic.
The good-lookin’ bugger.
I walk over to the table and stand next to Mac, my hand moving to his shoulder. When he looks up at me, I smile, my heart filled with love.
He grasps my hand, his fingers wrapping around mine, no words needed.
Grams continues her rounds with Cade, dropping a kiss on his cheek.
He visibly tenses but tries to hide it.
“Oh, you!” she scolds, smacking his shoulder. “You should be used to this by now. My goodness, I think you’re worse than what my Jaxson used to be.”
All of us bite back a chuckle.
Cade’s hard expression, however, never wavers but he does grumble her a greeting.
She moves for Cooper next. “And how’s the handsome sheriff of Sunset Bay?”
He stands from his chair, leaning down to accept her affection. “I’m doing good, Miss Margaret. Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Same to you, honey. Now, we need to talk. I have a message for you from Miss Gladys. She wants you to come to the home tomorrow to investigate some shady things that have been going on.”
“What’s wrong now?” he asks, not sounding all that concerned as he takes his seat once again.
“Well, she’s pretty sure someone from the home has been stealing her cigarettes and…” she bends down to whisper in his ear, “underwear.”
Anna chokes on her drink, hearing Grams loud and clear like the rest of us.
Kayla pats her on the back, but her attention remains on her husband. “This sounds serious, Coop. You better go over there. It sounds like Sunset Bay could have a panty raider on their hands. Your mad investigating skills might be the only thing that catches him.”
All of us burst into a fit of laughter except for Cooper. He glares at Kayla, not appreciating the commentary. She blows him a kiss, unaffected by his icy glare.
Snickering, Grams pats his shoulder one last time before heading over to Jaxson. “And last but not least, my favorite boy, the father of my great grandbaby. Come here, honey, and give me some love.” She wraps her arms around his waist, hugging him longer than everyone else.
He accepts it graciously, embracing her back. “Happy Thanksgiving, Grams.”
Julia watches them with a soft smile, tears forming in her eyes. She waves her hand in front of her face, reining in her emotion, then moves for the oven. “All right, everyone go on and take your seat. The turkey is ready.”
While chairs scrape across the floor, I push Mac closer to the table and fix him a plate, making sure to cut everything up. By the time I’m done, I look up and find one empty seat between Sawyer and Cade.
Sawyer pats it, a sly grin on his face. “Saved you
a seat, Cupcake.”
My heart pitter-patters in my chest. Smiling, I move in next to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.” Leaning over on my other side, I bravely give one to Cade also, catching him off guard.
“What was that for?” he grumbles.
“For pickin’ Mac up and bringin’ him here. Thank you.”
He shifts in his seat, uncomfortable with the praise but nods in my direction. “You’re welcome.”
I find that small acknowledgment a great feat.
“Who’s going to say grace?” Grams asks.
The moment the question leaves her mouth, Cade’s demeanor changes, his entire body stiffening.
Jaxson clears his throat, interrupting the awkward silence. “You know what, Grams? We’re going to skip that tonight.”
“No, we’re not. It’s fine!” Cade grinds out.
It’s obviously not fine. I can literally feel the tension rolling off him in waves.
Jaxson shakes his head and tries refusing again but Cade shoots him a look, keeping him quiet. It’s then that Katelyn speaks up and offers to say grace.
Everyone bows their heads, except Cade.
I side-glance him, my heart breaking at the pain on his face. Every word Katelyn breathes only seems to add to his agony. He looks like he’s about to be physically sick.
Reaching beneath the table, I grab his hand, hoping to offer him some sort of comfort. I sense him look over at me but I keep my head down, not wantin’ to make him feel even more uncomfortable than he already does.
Once Katelyn finishes, I release his hand and begin fixin’ my plate. My head turns in Sawyer’s direction and I find him watchin’ me with an expression I can’t decipher. It’s obvious he saw me.
I swallow thickly; worried I overstepped, but the moment the thought arises it vanishes. His face dips next to mine, lips at my ear. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”
Warmth blooms across my chest, the biggest smile spreading across my face. “I love you, too,” I whisper, brushing my nose across his stubbly jaw before pressing my lips there.
“Katelyn, honey,” Grams speaks. “Julia tells me your uncle is going to be the senior pastor at the Peace Hill Baptist Church. You must be excited to have family moving close by.”