Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection Page 22
She should have been protected but instead was betrayed.
“Want to know the worst of it all?” she whispers.
I gaze back into her defeated eyes, wondering how much worse it could get.
“I left without her,” she chokes out.
My brows bunch in confusion. “Without who?”
“Mama. He took her ashes from me, just to be cruel, and I don’t know where he hid her. I wasn’t able to search again before leaving that night. I just left her there,” she cries, her expression twisting with guilt. “I can’t believe I left her with him.”
I hold her close as she breaks into another sob. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for that, Grace. You did the right thing by leaving. I’ll get her back for you, I promise.”
Right after I make the son of a bitch pay.
She bolts upright, her eyes wide with fear. “No, you can’t! You can’t go anywhere near him or he’ll know where I am. He will find me.”
“Whoa, baby, calm down,” I say, reaching for her.
“No!” She slaps my hand away. “I mean it, Sawyer. Promise me that you won’t ever go near him. That you won’t tell a soul about this.”
“I promise.” The lie flows seamlessly from my lips, guilt following soon after because I won’t be keeping that promise. Vengeance will be extracted and no mercy will be shown.
“You must think I’m so weak,” she whispers brokenly.
I pull her down and roll over top of her, my chest covering hers. “No. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. You survived all of this, Grace, and look at the person you are. You’re beautiful…” I lean in, pressing a kiss to the corner of her eye. “Kind…” My lips skim across her damp cheek to the spot I crave most. “And so damn sweet.” The last word leaves me on a growl right before I capture her pretty pink lips with mine.
Her fingers wind in my hair, holding me there, the taste of her tears flooding my tongue.
Slowing the kiss, I rest my forehead on hers. “I know you’re scared right now, but I swear, I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again. You’re not alone anymore. You have me.”
She trails her fingers across my jaw, a trembling smile dancing across her lips. “You’re my angel too, Sawyer. Just like Mac.”
My eyes narrow. “But a badass angel, right?”
I’m rewarded with one of her sweet giggles. “Very badass and sexy,” she adds.
“Damn straight.”
Her smile fades, her expression turning somber. “Thank you for always bein’ here for me.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Cupcake. I told you, I take care of what’s mine. I’m not going anywhere.”
She curls a hand around the back of my neck and pulls me down for another kiss. I happily oblige her, vowing so much more to her in that moment than she could ever know.
I pull up to Jaxson and Julia’s house the next day, parking next to Cade’s truck. Grace gazes out her window, her shoulders slumped in defeat. I hate seeing her like this. I want my Cupcake happy again.
“You ready, baby?”
She turns toward me, faking a smile for my benefit and nods.
Climbing out of the truck, I walk around and help her down. Once on her feet, I curl an arm around her waist and pull her against me, my fingertips brushing the soft skin of her cheek. “You okay?”
She peers up at me, the answer to my question reflecting in her sad eyes. Instead of answering, she stretches up on her tiptoes and brushes a kiss on my lips. “I am now.”
Growling, I cup her ass and lift her into my arms. Her legs curl around my waist and arms around my neck. My mouth descends, tongue parting her lips for more. She gives me the access I crave, her fingers driving in my hair as I inhale all of her, the sweet taste of her settling deep within my chest.
Eventually, I break the kiss, my forehead resting against hers. “If a kiss makes you happy, then just say the word and my mouth will never leave yours again.”
A more genuine smile teases her lips. “As long as I’m yours. I’ll always be happy.”
This girl is fucking perfect.
“You’re mine, Grace. Never doubt that.” I seal the words with another kiss, keeping this one brief, then lower her to her feet. “Let’s go. The sooner I speak with Jaxson and Cade the sooner I will have you to myself again.”
Her giggle penetrates the air as I drag her behind me.
Julia opens the door, greeting us with a smile. “Hey, guys, come in,” she says, stepping aside for us to enter.
Grace walks in first, pulling her into a hug. “Hi, Julia.”
I follow in after her and wrap my arms around both of them, squeezing them until they’re laughing.
“Where’s your spaz of a husband?” I ask.
“In the kitchen. Go do your man talk. I’m taking Grace up to the baby’s room.” She smiles at Grace. “We bought the baby furniture yesterday.”
“Oh my gosh. That’s so darn excitin’.”
They bound up the stairs, leaving me in the privacy I need. I head for the kitchen; that buried rage I’ve been managing to keep within threatening to explode.
“Hey,” Jaxson greets me, both he and Cade nodding as I take a seat.
“So what’s up?” Jaxson asks.
“I need a favor.”
“I need you to get an address from Cooper for me.”
Suspicion dominates his expression. “Whose?”
“Earl Morgan. He’s Grace’s uncle. He lives in Virginia but I can’t find his address for some reason.”
He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why don’t you just ask Grace?”
“Because she can’t know about this.”
His eyes dart to Cade before returning to me. “I’m not getting shit for you until you tell me more.”
I figured it wouldn’t be that easy.
“Look. He has something that belongs to her. I need to get it back and he needs to pay for a few things.”
“What kind of things?” Cade asks.
I shake my head. “I can’t tell you guys, I promised Grace. But trust me when I say the son of a bitch needs to pay for what he did to her.”
“What makes you think Cooper has his address?” Jaxson asks.
“He told us at the gym that he saw the case file and she lived with an uncle in Virginia. I know he either has it or can get it for me.”
There’s a moment of silence before he lets out a heavy breath. “What’s your plan? I don’t want Coop getting in shit over this.”
“I’m not going to kill him if that’s what you’re asking me but he has to pay, Jaxson.”
“I’ll go with you,” Cade says, backing me up like I knew he would.
I nod my thanks at him then look back at Jaxson, cocking a brow. “You going to help me or not?” I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t. We made a pact on the battlefield and it followed us out of war.
“I’ll get the address from Coop and come with you, too.”
“Thanks. Whatever happens, don’t take no for an answer. We need that address,” I say, and decide to tell him just how much rides on this. “He has her mom’s ashes. We need to get them back.”
“I’ll get it,” he promises.
“Good. And don’t tell Julia any of this either. Grace can’t know.”
“Fuck me! That’s just perfect. Ask me to lie to my wife.”
“I’m not telling you to lie to her. I’m just telling you to withhold the information for now. She’ll forgive you.”
Hopefully, Grace forgives me too, but even if she’s angry it will be worth it if it means giving her back the one person she loves most.
Nights go by with no more news and it’s making me antsy as hell. I want this fucker to show himself already. To make his move so I can finally end this once and for all.
My attention is pulled away from the television when Grace steps out of the
bathroom in nothing but a towel, freshly showered and holding her cell phone up to her ear.
“Mac, I told ya, I ain’t bringin’ you sausage pie to the hospital. I’m sorry but the doctor said your cholesterol is high, so that’s the worst thing for you right now.”
My cock hardens as she walks past the living room into the kitchen. Standing, I follow in after her and see the dog whining at the back door. I walk over to let him out but the moment she bends down to grab something out of the dishwasher, my dick has me changing directions.
I come up behind her, grabbing her hips. She lets out a squawk and steadies herself against the counter, shooting me a dirty look over her shoulder.
“No, sorry. I tripped,” she says, relaying the lie to Mac over the phone. She shoves me back then moves to the sink, thinking this will keep me away.
Silly, Cupcake.
I come up behind her once again, my hands going around her waist as my lips press against the base of her neck that’s still damp with water. A low growl erupts from my throat when her cupcake scent impales my senses.
“No, that was Sawyer, believe it or not. He gets like that when he’s hungry,” she says, elbowing me.
I’m fucking hungry all right. My hand drops to the front of her leg, trailing up her silky thigh.
A shiver claims her body and I know I have her right where I want her. “Ah, hmmm.”
I chuckle as she tries to form words.
The dog’s whining gets louder but I ignore it.
Sorry, buddy, but my cock is in much more need at the moment.
“Mac, I’ll call you right back, okay? Love you, too. Bye.” Hanging up, she rests back against me, giving me more access to slip my hand under her towel. “You could have waited until I was off the phone,” she scolds but it trails into a moan when I tease the inside of her thigh, right next to her sweet spot.
“If you walk around here like this there’s no fucking way I’m keeping my hands to myself.”
The whimper she releases has my hand inching even closer, ready to inflict the best kind of pleasure. That’s until something out in the backyard snags my attention, freezing my hand in its place. Every muscle in my body tenses as I stare out into the dark, waiting to see it again.
“Sawyer?” Grace whispers, picking up on my sudden change of mood.
I remain still and silent, my eyes trained on the back corner of the yard and it’s then I see the subtle shift again amongst the trees.
Adrenaline surges through my veins, knowing the time has finally come. Slowly, I turn Grace around to face me, pulling her in close. The dog’s whining kicks up another notch and he starts clawing at the door.
I finally realize he’s known all along, and I’m pissed at myself for letting my emotions get in the way.
Grace fists my shirt, her body trembling. “What’s going on, Sawyer?”
“Don’t make any sudden moves.”
“Oh god, someone’s out there, aren’t they?”
I hug her closer, wishing I could erase her fear. “Listen to me. Everything is going to be fine but I need you to do exactly what I tell you to. Understand?”
She nods against my chest, her breathing coming in short, hard pants.
I dip my head, resting my lips at her temple while keeping my eyes trained outside. “I want you to walk out of here slowly and go into your room to call Cooper. Do you remember where I put the gun?”
“Yes,” she answers shakily.
“Keep it with you and don’t open the door for any reason until I tell you to. If someone comes in there, Grace, you shoot first and ask questions later, do you understand?”
“I can’t do this,” she chokes out.
“Yes, you can. I got you. I promise.”
“Please be careful,” she whispers, tears thick in her voice.
“Don’t worry about me, baby. I’m good. Now go, but walk naturally. I don’t want to tip him off.”
Giving her a gentle push, I don’t look behind me and pray she does what I said. I flick on the tap, letting the water run then reach down with one hand and open the cupboard, grabbing the gun I have strapped there. Once in my hand, I shut off the light, blanketing the kitchen into darkness.
It’s then I spot the motherfucker just as he takes a step back into the bush. I inch toward the door, my hard eyes never leaving that spot. The house behind him turns on their backlight, sending him bolting across the yard.
“Fuck!” I take off out the door, my feet pounding the hard ground. The dog barks and follows me out, catching up to him faster than me but just misses his ankle as he hops the fence.
Picking up speed, I leap over the dog then jump over the rickety wood right after him. Sirens explode through the air and brakes screech to a halt in front of the house. Cooper flies out of the passenger side of the squad car and intercepts the asshole, taking him down.
The guy bellows in rage, thrashing around as he’s cuffed.
I tuck the gun behind me and start over to them, fury pumping through my body with unrelenting force. “Is it him?” I bite out the question, already knowing the answer.
Cooper hauls the bastard to his feet and confiscates a large knife from him. The thought of what he planned to do with it sends me over the edge.
My anger spins into a spool of rage and I charge at him. “You fucked with the wrong girl, motherfucker.”
“Shit! Grab him!” Cooper orders to the deputy as he tries to turn Miguel out of harm’s way but there’s no stopping me.
My fists are quick, striking out hard and fast, knocking him from Cooper’s hold. I follow him to the ground, delivering blow after blow. Hands grab at me, but I don’t let them slow me down, relishing in the tiny bones I feel crushing beneath my fist.
A force hits me from the side, the impact penetrating the roaring in my ears. Cooper pins me down while the deputy pulls the bastard to his feet again, his face mangled and soaked with blood.
“What the hell are you thinking?” Cooper bellows.
“It’s the least he deserves,” I snap, my lungs heaving in fury. “For Grace, for her mom, and for Mac.”
“He will pay, Sawyer, but not this way. Let the law handle it.”
“He came onto my fucking property to hurt her! He’s lucky he’s not dead.”
“Justice will be served. I’ll make sure of it.”
The only justice he deserves is death.
“Are you good now? Can I let you up?”
I nod.
He releases me and I climb to my feet.
“How did you get here so fast?” I ask.
“A neighbor called before Grace did. The people behind her said they saw someone hop the fence into her yard.”
“And you didn’t think to call and give me a heads-up?”
His eyes narrow. “I did and you never picked up.”
I pat my pockets, realizing I don’t have my phone on me.
The soft sound of Grace’s voice has me spinning around. She stands at the front door, arms crossed over herself, her terrified eyes fixated on Miguel.
“Grace, get back in the house, now!”
A roar penetrates the same moment Miguel manages to break out of the deputy’s hold, his hands cuffed behind him. “You bitch. I’m going to kill you!”
Cooper and I move at the same time but I’m faster. I take him to the ground once again, pulling my gun from behind me and shoving it under his chin. “You will never get to her because I will always be here, waiting to drive this bullet through your fucking skull.”
The son of a bitch actually smiles, his bloodstained teeth gleaming at me. “Do it. I dare you. Come on, shoot me.”
It’s so damn tempting. He’d finally get the fate he deserves.
Cooper’s hand rests on my shoulder. “He’s not worth it, Sawyer.”
Miguel’s grin spreads as I hesitate. “I’m going to fuck her like I did her mother, then I’m going to cut her up into—”
aking the butt of my gun, I coldcock the motherfucker, refusing to let him finish the threat.
“Damn it, Sawyer!” Cooper snaps, pulling me off him.
I turn on him, my body vibrating with restraint. “Get him out of my fucking sight before I change my mind and shoot him.”
“What the hell do you think I’m trying to do? Get in the house and go take care of Grace. I got this.”
My eyes shift back to Grace where she still stands by the door, her face pale with fear. The terror and anguish that bleed from her puts me in motion. She snaps out of her fear when she sees me moving for her. She bounds down the steps, leaping into my arms with a sob.
“It’s okay, baby. It’s over now,” I say quietly, carrying her into the house. “He won’t ever hurt you again.”
It’s a promise I intend to keep for as long as I live.
That night sleep evades me, too many emotions banging around inside of my wounded soul. The police were here for hours, questioning Sawyer and collecting all the evidence they could from the scene. By the time they left, my stomach was a giant knot and I was emotionally spent, yet here I still lie, staring up at the dark ceiling hours later.
Glancing at the clock, I see it’s just past three. I finally give up and climb out of bed, careful not to wake Sawyer. After slipping on my Alpine thigh-highs and grabbing my thin cardigan, I head into the kitchen to start on the pies I’m going to bring to Julia’s for Thanksgiving. Music fills the silence when I flick on the old radio that sits on my counter, hoping the soft melody will be able to calm me.
I’ve never felt so many conflicting feelings as I do in this moment. Fear and anger tear through me at seeing Miguel again after all these years, the despicable monster who stole my mother’s life and took away the only loving family I had. Yet relief is there, battling with all the other emotions, glad to know that Detective Rodriguez has him and is taking him back to Florida. But most of all…I feel lost.
What happens now? Where do I go from here?
The diner is gone, Mac is still in the hospital because of all this, and Sawyer…our relationship is the one thing that scares me most right now. Will he leave? There’s really no reason for him to stay here anymore. Yet, the thought of not being with him every day and feeling his arms around me every night as I drift off to sleep leaves me with a panic I can’t bear to think about.