Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection Page 20
I wrap my arms around his neck, our faces only inches from one another. “Let’s stay here and never go back.”
“Why?” he asks, peering back at me.
“Because here is happy and safe. Here it’s just you and me, where nothing can take you away from me,” I admit, feeling an ache build in my throat. “I’ve barely thought about him since we’ve been here, Sawyer. I’m scared what awaits us back home.”
Regardless of his hard expression, he reaches up, cupping the side of my face in a tender gesture. “I’ll tell you what awaits us when we go back, Cupcake. Our friends, Chuckie, Mac. Wherever we are, I promise we will always be safe and happy. I meant it when I said I wouldn’t let anyone fuck with this, Grace. No one will ever take this from us. Okay?”
I nod, feeling bad for not thinking about everyone else, because I do need them. Especially Chuckie.
“I promise we’ll come back,” he says, his thumb stroking my cheek. “Maybe next time I’ll even teach you how to play hockey.”
I cringe at the thought. I couldn’t even stand up on those dang skates, I’d hate to think what I would do with all that equipment on. “Do you miss playing?” I ask, remembering how at home he looked on the ice.
“Sometimes, but not enough that I regret my decision of walking away.”
“What made you decide to leave it behind and join the Navy?”
“9/11,” he answers, no hesitation. “I was in high school when it happened, but I’ll never forget the impact it had on me. Members of the military came to the school, trying to recruit seniors. Listening to them speak made me realize that everything I thought was important really wasn’t.”
I think that catastrophic event was a big wake-up call for many of us. I remember Mama cryin’ for days over it.
“Cade and I spoke about it after they left,” he continues, “he told me he had always planned to join the military after school but he was mostly interested in the Navy. That day I went home and researched it, especially the SEALs, and I knew right away that’s what I wanted to do, too. I called Cade and told him I was in. We made the pact that after high school we would go together, and we did. Much to my father’s disappointment, as you know.”
I smile, thinking about him and Cade at a younger age. “How long have you and Cade been friends?”
His easy smile returns. “Since the second grade. We were the most unlikely duo. I was a kid from a good family who had money, and Cade, well…let’s just say he was the opposite. One day after school, three older kids were picking on him at the playground, so I walked up and beat the shit out of all three of them,” he tells me. “I saved his life. After that he followed me around everywhere I went. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get rid of him, so I thought, ah, what the hell, I’ll be his friend.”
I blink at him, the story so disbelieving that I burst into a fit of laughter. “You’re lyin’.”
“I am not! You should have seen me, baby, I kicked major ass.”
I shake my head, continuing to laugh.
“Fine, it was actually the other way around,” he admits on a grumble. “Don’t judge, Cupcake, I was small for my age, believe it or not. I didn’t get all this until closer to junior high.”
I have a hard time picturing Sawyer small for his age, considerin’ what a giant he is now. “So you’re the one who followed Cade around until he became your friend?” I ask, amusement lacing my words.
“Wouldn’t you? The guy kicked the shit out of all three of those assholes for trying to steal my new Pumas. I decided right there that he was going to be my friend, and I was going to bring him everywhere I went,” he tells me. “At first he tried to act like he didn’t want to be my friend, but of course it didn’t take long before he realized I wasn’t going anywhere. In the end, he gave in, and we have been best friends ever since.”
I wrap my arms around his neck, my cheeks aching from smiling so much. “That’s a great friendship story. I’m glad y’all met, and he was able to save your Pumas for you.”
“Me too, baby. My mom had just bought those for me, she would have kicked my ass.”
I doubt Catherine would have laid a hand on him, even now it’s clear to see she has a soft spot for her only son. What Jesse mentioned earlier tonight about Cade’s past comes flooding back.
“Can I ask you somethin’?”
“How did Cade’s sister die?”
His expression turns to stone, a steel of armor slamming down around him.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” I whisper, feeling guilty for the pain that’s in his eyes.
He shakes his head. “No, it’s fine. I’ll tell you but I’m warning you, it’s not easy to hear. And don’t ever mention it around Cade. He never speaks about it and it will send him into a rage you don’t want to witness.”
I nod and swallow hard, bracing myself for what I’m about to hear.
“His sister was eight years younger than him and worshiped the ground he walked on. He took care of her since his mom was always high as a fucking kite, especially after his dad died.”
My heart pinches, thinking about how much responsibility Cade shouldered as a young child.
“At one time she hooked up with a real crazy son of a bitch. He lived in a commune and called himself a prophet. Cade knew the guy wasn’t right in the head but he didn’t realize how bad, until it was too late.”
Lead sinks into the pit of my stomach, fear rippling through me for what he’s about to tell me.
“The bastard raped and killed his little sister when she was only seven years old.”
“No!” The one word purges from my mouth as bile restricts my throat, my heart shattering into a thousand pieces. An image of what happened to my mama emerges but in her place is a sweet innocent little girl. I shake my head, too horrified to comprehend it.
“Cade walked in on it.”
Horror washes over me as I think about how awful that must have been for him. Just like it was for me with Mama. “Please tell me the man went to prison,” I say, hoping some sort of justice was served.
Sawyer gazes back at me, rage darkening his green eyes. “No. Cade drove a fucking bullet through his skull and sent him to hell where he belongs.”
I can’t say I’m sad to hear that. I always felt Miguel deserved the death penalty. Jail was letting him off too easily, especially now that he’s out.
“Cade has had some really shitty luck. It’s shaped him to be the hard bastard he’s turned into, and I can’t say I blame him. What happened to his sister is the very reason why he will never step foot into a church. Even though the asshole was no prophet let alone a person of God, Cade associates the two.”
I guess I can understand that, as horrible as it is, there have been times in the last few years when I have questioned my faith also.
“It’s one of the reasons it shocked the hell out of Jaxson and me when he fell for a preacher’s daughter.”
“He did?” I ask, not expecting to hear that.
“Yep. He met her when we were in Iraq. She was there with her church. She was the rescue mission we went against orders for and ended up walking into a fucking ambush, which was how we ended up spending a week in hell.”
I remember Julia telling me about the rescue mission, but I didn’t realize the girl was someone Cade cared about.
Reaching up, I cup the side of his cheek. “I’m sorry, I hate that you guys were hurt.”
“It was the worst week of my life but I don’t regret it. I’d live it all over again if it meant saving Faith and Anna.”
Because that’s the kind of man he is—honorable, loving, and strong. The words tattooed on his back make even more sense now. “That’s what your tattoo means.”
He nods, confirming my statement.
To know he lived through that kind of hell yet still has no regrets makes me admire him all that much more. There are so many things in my life that I regret and wish I could change.
f you could go back and change one moment in your life, what would it be?”
I expect him to say that horrific week in Iraq, when such cruelty was inflicted upon them, but he doesn’t. Instead he says something that I will remember for the rest of my life.
“It would be to find you sooner, because I would have never let anyone hurt you.” His words are strong and sure, his green irises holding mine.
My breath hitches, tears clouding my vision. Resting my forehead on his, I close my eyes, trying to hold in my emotion but it’s no use. “Your moment should be that week in Iraq.”
“I’d live through every painful lash again if it meant keeping you safe.”
A sob pours from my lips, a million emotions banging around inside of me.
Sawyer takes me to my back, covering me with his hard warm body. “Everything is going to be good now, Grace, you’ll see.”
I hug him close, unable to believe how lucky I am to have met him. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Sawyer,” I say instead.
He pulls back to look at me, his expression soft. “Same here, Cupcake… I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to me, too.”
I frown, his words taking a moment to sink in.
He bursts into laughter, thinking he’s so dang funny.
Sniffling, I slap his shoulder but can’t deny the smile taking over my sad lips. “Leave it to you to ruin another romantic moment, Sawyer Evans.”
“Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to make it up to you…right now.”
His lips descend as he makes good on his promise, claiming what will always be his for as long as my heart is beating.
Leaving my parents’ house was harder than usual. Not only did my mom and sisters cry but so did Grace. She loved my family as much as they did her. I’m glad I brought her along and that we had this time away together but now it’s time to deal with everything going on here. Time to eliminate the threat once and for all.
Jaxson is pushing Julia on the swing when we pull up to the house. Chuckie runs circles around their feet, barking like crazy while Jaxson looks pissed, his hands waving around heatedly as he talks with Julia.
“My baby!” Grace cries, fleeing my truck before I can even come to a complete stop. Chuckie meets her halfway. She falls to her knees, hugging and kissing him as if it’s been three years and not three days.
Shutting off the truck, I climb out and make my way over to them.
“Thank you so much for watching him,” Grace says, giving both Jaxson and Julia a hug.
“Anytime.” Julia smiles. “He was very well-behaved. Did you have a good time with Sawyer’s family?”
Grace turns to me, beaming with happiness. “The best.”
I toss her a wink then glance over at Jaxson to see him still looking pissed off. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Wanna know what’s wrong with me?”
I remain silent since it’s a rhetorical question.
“She,” he says, jerking a thumb at Julia, “and Susan, are allowing Anna to bring her boyfriend overnight to my house for Thanks-fucking-giving!”
Well, that explains his current mood.
Julia’s back straightens, her eyes narrowing on her husband. “Excuse me, Jaxson, but it’s our house and if her parents are okay with it, then we will be, too.”
“There’s no way Bill is okay with this,” he argues.
“It’s not like they’re sleeping in the same room for heaven’s sake.”
“You’re damn right they won’t be!” His attention shifts back to me and he points his finger at my chest. “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to rig that fucker’s door shut. I’ll be alerted immediately if anyone goes in or out of that room.”
“What happens if he needs to use the bathroom?” Grace asks.
“He can piss out the fucking window!”
Both Grace and Julia break into muffled chuckles.
“This is not funny!”
Julia rolls her eyes, not the least bit fazed by her husband’s tantrum. “Give it a rest, you’re being ridiculous, and if you’re not careful you will push Anna away.”
He dismisses the warning with a grunt and brings his furious eyes back to me. “Guess what else she did?”
I’m scared to ask, especially by the nervous look on Julia’s face.
“She invited Ray Jennings for dinner, too.”
My shocked gaze yanks to Julia. “Why?”
The man is the father of the bastard who tried to kill her, he’s also the most arrogant prick I’ve ever met. Why she would even consider inviting him is beyond me.
She lifts her chin but there’s no denying the tears forming in her eyes. “Because he has no family, and no one should be alone on Thanksgiving. Including him. But it doesn’t matter because he turned down the offer,” she bites her trembling lip, her voice cracking with emotion, “I was only trying to be nice.”
Well, shit! Now I feel like an asshole and so does Jaxson if the guilt on his expression is anything to go by.
Grace puts an arm around Julia’s shoulders, hugging her close. “I think it was awful nice of you to ask him. I agree, no one should be alone on Thanksgivin’… Right, guys?” she adds, directing a hard glare our way.
“Yep,” I agree quickly, not wanting my Cupcake mad at me.
“Come here, Jules.” Jaxson pulls her against his chest. Well, as close as he can considering her stomach has expanded quite a bit. “I’m sorry. Thanksgiving will be good, I promise.” He kisses her forehead, trying to smooth things over.
She lifts her head from his chest, looking at Grace. “Dinner is on the Sunday. I’m hoping y’all will come, too?”
“We would love to. I’ll bring dessert.”
“That would be great.” She smiles, her earlier hurt feelings fading.
Soon after we say our goodbyes and head home. Once there, Grace starts dinner while I unpack, making sure to move the remainder of my shit from the spare room into her bedroom. As I’m hanging up shirts in the closet, something from the top shelf tumbles out, falling at my feet. Picking it up, I see it’s a sketchbook. I open it to the first page and am shocked by what I reveal.
What the hell is this?
My steps are slow as I walk over to the bed and take a seat, admiring a sketch of a bakery. There’s a lot of detail, right down to the soft yellow walls and pink tables. Pictures of uniforms are glued to the pages and a menu has been created, all with Grace’s recipes.
At the top of the page is written, A Slice of Hope with a Sprinkle of Grace.
“Sawyer, do you know where—” Grace comes to a hard stop just inside the room. “Where did you get that?” she whispers, her face paling.
“I was hanging my clothes in the closet and it fell out.”
She remains silent, her eyes riveted to the book. She doesn’t seem mad just…embarrassed maybe?
“What is this?” I ask.
Shaking her head, she pulls herself together and reaches for it. “Nothin’, it’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid. Tell me what it is.”
She gazes down at the drawing, her fingers dancing along the sketch. “Remember when I told you that Mama and I were headed out of town that day for a bakin’ contest?”
I nod.
“The prize money was for $20,000. It was going to be enough with the savings we had to start up this bakery. It was our dream for as long as I can remember…” She pauses, sadness adopting her expression. “But it never happened because she was taken from me.” Her eyes lift to mine, tears pooling in their depths. “She worked her butt off her whole life for us to have this and they took it all away within an instant.”
My chest constricts at the unfairness of it all. At how much not only she has suffered but her mother. When I get my hands on that piece of shit he’s as good as dead.
She wipes a stray tear away and points to the top of the page. “Her name was Hope. We wanted something with both our names, s
o that’s what we came up with. A couple years ago, when I was missin’ her, I decided to draw it out. I picked our uniforms and even designed a menu, just for fun.” She looks up at me, a shy smile stealing her sad lips. “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”
Reaching out, I pull her down on my lap. “No, I think you’re incredible.”
She rests her forehead against mine, pressing the softest kiss to my lips.
My hand hooks her neck, reeling her in for more. For the rest of the night we stay in bed, and I do everything in my power to ease the pain that she always carries. I might not be able to change her past but I sure as hell can change her future and I intend to do exactly that.
The blare of a cell phone pulls me from a deep slumber. My eyes flutter open and I stretch, feeling every glorious muscle in my body from the hours spent in Sawyer’s arms. His warm, naked chest shifts beneath my cheek as he reaches over to answer it.
“Yeah?” His gravelly voice has me burrowing into him, but soon I feel his body tense. “Is he all right?”
The concern in his tone has me shooting upright. I glance at the clock to see it’s one in the morning and realize a phone call at this time can’t be good.
“We’re on our way,” he says, hanging up.
“What is it, what’s wrong?”
He cups the side of my face, regret burning in his eyes. “It’s Mac, Cupcake. We need to go to the hospital.”
I flee from the bed, scrambling to get my clothes on. My mind races with all the horrible things that could have happened to him.
Car accident? No, it’s a heart attack, I know it. I told him that greasy food he’s always eatin’ was going to catch up to him. I charge for my dresser to grab my purse and run full force into Sawyer.
He grabs my arms, giving me a little shake. “Grace, are you even listening to me?”
My heart was pounding so loud I didn’t realize he was talking to me. “Please tell me he’s all right?” I choke out.
He pulls me against him, enfolding me in his strong arms. “I don’t know all the details yet, baby. Cooper is going to fill us in at the hospital, but he said Mac is stable.”